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Introduction - Call me Ezrea

ezrea January 7th, 2016

My name is Ezrea, I have been struggling with Depression for the majority of my life. There have been so many ups and downs, both extreme and subtle. However, this is quite possibly the lowest low I have experienced in much of my adult life. Through the past, I have had medication for depression, which, doesn't suite me well as that tends to cause complete apathy in me, which, is in my opinion worse. Last year, an event happened that triggered in me all of my self-doubt, etc that I had thought I moved past. It would seem however, that isn't the case. I've been told that I am smart enough to analyze and know my problems, however, even though I can see it for what it is, doesn't mean I know how handle it inwardly. I've been searching, and avoiding, for far too long a means to help myself. I hope the community here can provide what it is I need to be able to feel passionate about something again. To feel those positive vibes, and not feel so empty anymore...

I've been crying a lot lately, likely due to bottling things up, and just pushing myself through the motions of day-to-day life. At 28 years old, I should be able to address these inner issues as they happen and not let them sit until a point where it is all just overwhelming, which is actually where I am at currently.

Apologies for the scattered thoughts here, I've been crying the whole time I signed up for this site and started browsing through it today. I really, really need some help

Cadence January 8th, 2016

Hello @ezrea ! Firstly, I'd like to welcome you to 7Cups; we're really glad you're here!

I've noticed that this is a common theme in society; you're told that you're too smart to feel so sad. You're told that your life is too good, and that you don't know what true problems are. But the fact of the matter is, only you are the judge of that. You are allowed to feel sad, and not because you are weak (because you're not), but because depression does not pick and choose who it wants to affect. You are beautifully you, and you are super smart, and you happen to have depression.

All of this being said, you've stumbled upon a wonderful community. While we can't solve everything, we can absolutely help you feel less alone. You've already got started in the forums, but feel free to utilize one-on-one chats, group chats and the feed to make your experience here even better.

Remember this, ezrea, as someone who has fought depression for many years now, I can absolutely say that I stand with you. You are a strong fighter, you are radiant and excellent and you deserve to feel loved, and to feel happy. You are worthy of all of this and more. <3

ezrea OP February 22nd, 2016

@Cadence Thank you for your kind words. I withdrew really badly over the past month or so even worse than I had mentioned in the original post. Only today did I remember that this place existed and that I made an account. Waking up with such an extreme anxiety attack today has been really difficult to handle.