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Iloveparis June 28th, 2017

I was recently diagnosed with something depression (along with severe PTSD and something anxiety). I had been misdiagnosed as bipolar and dissociative identity disorder for years. I do dissociate, yes, but I do not have DID. Things have been beyond terrible. Tossing and turning all night and waking up crying from nightmares. Crying multiple times a day. I go back and forth between the anxiety and depression. Every second is a struggle. Even though I love my job, I don't want to be there. All I want to do is read.

I was recently prescribed klonopin at the ER. It has been a life saver.

A few days ago I was prescribed a small dose of celexa and prazosin. The only side effect from the celexa was some drowsiness, so they increased my dosage today. Time to wait out the typical wait period for antidepressant effectiveness to kick in. As for the nightmares, I now have wild, stressful dreams all night that leave me with an emotional hangover and a bit of amnesia about what happened during the dream, but I don't wake up crying. They say that it also takes some time to kick in, but they can increase my dosage at the next appointment if there's no improvement.

This is the closest thing to hope I've felt in a while.

So, hello. Nice to meet you all.

Iloveparis OP June 28th, 2017

Oh I forgot to mention my specific phobia: needles. I have the worst case of needle phobia you e probably ever encountered. This includes finger pricks. Tattoos are no problem though.