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Alania1989 August 23rd, 2015

Hi! I'm new to the site and found it via social media.

I'm a 26 year old girl, two children[ages 5 and almost 4], engaged, and work two jobs. Needless to say I'm a busy person.

My significant other has depression so I try my hardest to be his "rock" but it's hard when I've got my own depression to try and handle as well. What makes it even harder is I've been told by him and another mutual friend of ours that also has depression that there's no way I understand depression. Why? Because I don't deal with it the way they do[hide in the bedroom, refuse to be social, etc.]. I've been considering finding a therapist, but I'm so afraid of being judged by the therapist because I don't hide from life, I don't refuse to be social. :( I just know that our kids need at least one of us to be functioning and "with-it" so I force myself to keep going and just cry myself to sleep at night after everyone has gone to bed as I try to handle the thoughts of being a failure and how I'm of no use to anyone alone, among other not so nice thoughts.

Heh. I'm rambling. Anyways. Yeah. So I'm new and life massively sucks at times.

Lucym88 August 23rd, 2015

Hi there,

Thanks for sharing, you can always come on here and vent or ramble :) There is always someone here that will understand.

Sounds like you're going through such a tough time. People do deal with depression differently, just because you do doesn't mean you don't understand. At least you can sort of empathize with them. So you're not useless at all, I'm pretty sure your kids don't think you're useless! I would suggest talking to your GP, they don;t just recommend pills. They can offer advice, therapists or clubs/events you can go to. Maybe events for parents & children.

AdVictoriam August 24th, 2015


One of the hardest things with depression is that feeling that no one else is going through it. It doesn't matter that it's not true, but it feels true.

One thing I learned from this video on empathy is that it's okay for them to feel like no one understands. Sometimes saying "I might not know what you're going through but I don't want you to go through alone. Can I even just sit next to you right now?" can be enough to help someone feel supported.

We're also here for you Alania! If you want to vent yourself, there's so many listeners who are here to help others. We're not here to cast judgment, only to help you find the internal motivation to make yourself better :)