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First World Problem

CarryOnAndLuggageBug October 23rd, 2015

Im a high school senior who is about to turn in my early action college applications. Im here, thinking about all Ive been through these past three years: staying up late in the night to finish assignments, cramming information into my brain for the next test, fighting today for the promise of tomorrow. For the longest time I convinced myself that tomorrow will be better if I work hard today.

Yet now, when colleges are an application away, when I am suppose to feel most connected to my future, I dont see a better tomorrow. Attending an Ivy league school with challenging courses? Lovely. Itll be like attending my overwhelming high school, except Ill feel more overwhelmed. Moving 600 miles away, leaving my friends, family, and romantic partner? Sweet, because thats the last thing I want to do. Then whats after college? I move another 500 miles away to find work? Work more, sacrifice more, until I die? I dont see the point.

I dont see a point in lots of things. College, Marriage. Knowledge. Life. Its disgustingly ironic. I have everything that I wanted, but now I dont want anything. I used to care about my grades, but now that Im ranked number one in my class Ive realized that grades are not so exciting. I used to want wealth, but ever since my dad got a raise and my family became middle class, I realized money isnt that enjoyable. Sorry if Im rubbing it into everyones facing how great my life situation is. Anyway, so here I am pathetically complaining about how I have a wonderful life, but find no meaning in it.

Im not need help immediately depressed. Most people on this site need help more than I do. Im more like… been depressed for one year, will probably recover in another year. I didnt want to talk about my feelings in real life, because that would break my reputation as a strong, emotionally stable girl. So here I am on 7cupsoftea, asking for compliments, compassion, criticism, or anything else to help me feel understood.

writecolorread October 23rd, 2015

Sometimes traditional college doesn't make sense. My family is low income, and though I wanted to continue my education I couldn't have if not for the wonder that is online schools. I attend college online, get stellar grades, and don't have to pay for housing or food. I also will not graduate with a mountain of debt. Have you ever considered the online route? You are a bright, articulate woman and that is highly valued at online schools

October 23rd, 2015

You are allowed to feel the way you do. It is overwhelming. You are at a huge turning point in your life with tons of change. Change is inevitable, but it is also difficult to face & manage. (Actually you don't usually get to 'manage' change; it sort of just comes and you have to accept it.)

You are also allowed to ask for help! Your problems or concerns are as valid as anyone else's. Don't worry. There are plenty of people who want to help.

You may want to try and make a list of concerns, prioritize them, and think about them one at a time. Looking at everything you've described, and I'm sure there is more, anyone would feel like you do-- overwhelmed.

Through all of this please don't forget that of all the people you know, you are the one that is most deserving of your patience and loving kindness. Be good to yourself. You don't have to have the all the answers.

(I'm not supposed to tell you this as an 'adult', but none of us really know what we are doing! We're all just faking it and pretending we actually know what we're doing. We are all just building the plane while we are learning to sail the ship. smiley Remember, I never told you this if anyone asks.)

As far as all the stuff you have in front of you, it seems like you are 'just' trying to figure out what will make you happy. (As if that is a small thing!) There is a Buddhist saying, "Don't worry, we are all going to die". Yes! You are limited in your choices by various reasons, but as long as you are not deciding whether or not to be a jerk to someone or bring harm to yourself, the choice you make may not be quite as important as long as you are able to make a choice.

I got a perfect score on my SAT. At the time, it seemed important and it did give me some opportunities I might not have had if I didn't score well. The truth is, years later, it doesn't matter. I got a perfect score on the GRE's. It seemed important at the time. Years later, it doesn't really matter. I graduated from a prestigious University with a few degrees. That seemed important at the time, and maybe it impressed someone who gave me an initial job, but that 'edge' lasted only a couple of months. I taught at the same prestigious university and obtained my Ph.D. with honors. I have published a few pieces of non-fiction and some small pieces of fiction. I bet you can guess where I'm going with all this.

Some friends & I set up a non-profit that fixed broken computers and got them in the hands of the disabled and we ran an Internet Service Provider. (This is in the days of dial-ups & modems.) That is something I am genuinely proud of doing. You can just imagine how a disabled person's life changed when all of a sudden they could reach the entire world without boundaries. The jobs I was able to get because of my education & connections were just a means of paying for the privilege of helping others. So yes. I guess it had some significance.

Now, I teach bilingual special education to 7th graders in one of the poorest areas in the country. I don't even have any of my non-education degrees or publications listed on my resume. My 'boss' has no idea that I have probably 12 more years of college than she does. It's not that important. Unless I am teaching at a university or publishing in my original field of study, I don't even go by Dr. JeffWM!

So, what is important? I have no idea! Try and do a 'mental' inventory and see what is important to you right now.

I don't believe there are any right answers. The only wrong decision I've personally discovered is making no decision.

I am a reader & writer by birth (I guess). For me, it helps when I write things out to clarify things. Write letters you have no intention of ever showing anyone.

I hope you can find the courage to treat yourself well and make the choices you are afforded. I'm glad you posted & that I got to read your post. I hope to see more!

Tl;Dr - be kind to yourself, prioritize things you need to face and face them one at a time, not all at once, know that each choice does not carve your destiny in stone, try and figure out what you want at this moment; that all you can control.

Be courageous! Be well!

CarryOnAndLuggageBug OP October 24th, 2015


Thank you so much for your comforting reply and your inspiring story.

I didn't realize it, but you're right. I am searching for something that I find meaningful, and my life will surely improve when I find that something.

Maybe, like you, I'm don't have to focus on money, education, or success. Perhaps my route to happiness is different. I'll find a route. :)

October 24th, 2015


Like any 'goal', it may be difficult to attain.

If your 'goal' is a secret or yet to be defined, it is impossible to attain.

Be courageous.