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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

Spes September 9th, 2015

@Alien18, I'm sorry you feel in such a despair. We are here for you.

I can understand how hard it is to reach out in times of despair. But you have already done it. It is hard, but you still managed to do it and it was courageous of you. I'm so proud! You are fighting for so long, you are stronger than you believe. But you don't have to show inhuman persistence anymore. You can ask for help, you can receive it, and you can recover. You really don't have to suffer in silence, my love.

You want to cease to exists. I assume, it's because your pain seems unbearable, and you just don't have a strength to carry one. You just want to find a solution, to break out from this prison in your mind. Still, you're thoughts are the important indicator for something else. Even if you didn't follow on them, even if you were just contemplating death, even if you feel stronger now and think you will never go through with your just-for-fun-created plans, it's a big red flag that something is really wrong. These thoughts are signalizing that you are looking for a way to outlet your pain. No living creature wants to die, we instinctively do everything to help us cope with a given situation. But depression is sneaky and mostly uses our own brain against us.

I really urge you to visit a doctor. I think it will make a big difference to your well-being. Just go like when you're going to the dentist with a toothache - it's the same thing, just foolishly stigmatized by our society. You really don't have to suffer in silence. Asking for help is difficult, but it is worth it. Oh, how it is worth! From my own experience, I can say that it was a turning point for me. I'm still struggling, but I'm not in agony, like before. I know how to fight, and what is the name of my foe. It's a wretched life, to live with an untreated depression, and you don't deserve it, my lovely friend. Getting any kind of treatment is a difference you will feel immediately.

Please go visit your doctor. Or go to this website and make a simple call. Or if you don't like to call, chat in here. There are a lot of people who can help. Here, in this community, we can listen to you, but sometimes it's not enough.

You are so wonderful, my love. I care for you. We are all here for you. We care for you. It is hard. It is unbearable. We are here to listen. Connect with any ofe us, if you want to talk, lovely.

*hugs tightly*

Alien18 September 9th, 2015

@spes thank you so much, I think I will visit the doctor and your post and seeing how much you care has lifted my spirits. Thank you πŸ’œheart

Spes September 10th, 2015

@Alien18, I'm so happy to hear that, wonderful!

It's okay to feel suicidal and to feel despair - it's painful and dreadful, but it's okay. You just need to seek help for yourself. We don't treat ourselves when we have a broken leg, so why should we do that when our mind is suffering? Depression is an illness, and with a treatment we can overcome it. It's highly curable.

I'm glad that you will go visit the doctor. Let us know how it went. We are here for you, lovely.

heart heart heart
Chiaroscuro1 September 10th, 2015

Maybe it's not so important to make a difference everyday and then feel guilty or worthless if you think you aren't. Maybe it's okay to just be. A tree is just a tree. A flower just a flower. Grass just grass. There is meaning in them just being what they are. Just be what and who you are now. You are enough just as you are.

Purplestar09 September 9th, 2015

Today I woke up and just wanted to keep sleeping I mean that's the only way to stop thinking and feeling.

Spes September 9th, 2015

@Purplestar09, I'm sorry you feel so low. Sometimes there isn't any other choice for us than to just grit our teeth and keeping hanging on until the storm will pass. It feels awful, to so hopeless, but trying every day, fighting with depression every waking hour is brave. You are brave. I'm proud of you.

Sending you all my strength, wonderful.


passionateStrings3786 September 9th, 2015

Oh i am in pain again like always and i just got done fighting with my back surgeon and he wont look at my neck when he should! I am just tired of fighting for myself when no one else will help me! No one gives a darn about me! I am just tired of being alone through all of this! My tight group of my three best friends are the only people who care about me! My family sure doesnt! 4 years and they haven't even tried to see how i was!

Spes September 9th, 2015

@passionateStrings3786, I'm so sorry to hear that, lovely. It is very challenging for you. It is not easy to feel abandoned, it must make it difficult for you to fight for yourself.

I'm glad you have your friends who support you. They sound like a wonderful people who have got your back. Would you like to tell us more about them?


passionateStrings3786 September 10th, 2015

I sure will= Rachel my sister who isn't blood she was the one who took care of me for 2 months after my bipolar son went nuts and beat me to with in and inch of my life! I lived in her house while she was caring for me! She was the only one who stood up for me in court when my sister was content to crucify me! I then proceeded to take care of her for 6 months after she broke her back.

Donna= I met her when she bar tended at the bar i used to do karaoke at and we became fast friends! She convinced me to move here where i am now and i never regretted it! She is the one i call when i need rides because i dont drive!

Lesliee a wonderful friend and mother she is the biggest help to me she knows what to do to help me get rid of fleas! I trust her with my cat and that says alot Q

Spes September 10th, 2015

@passionateStrings3786, thank you for sharing! I am so happy you have such a wonderful friends. All of them sound like the best support you could imagined. I am so glad they've got your back. You are worth such lovely, kind souls.

Sending lots of love!

impartialTree3773 September 9th, 2015

@Passionatestrings I get how you feel no one asks how I am, and when they do I feel ashamed to tell them thinking they will think I'm a freek. Just know you are lucky to have the three friends you do have, because someone out there has no one, and we are all here for you on 7 cups. I wish the best for you in the days to come.

passionateStrings3786 September 14th, 2015

I just get beyond frustrated with all the doctors i have had to deal with and their uncaring attitudes! To tell me that i have to live with my numb foot and not even telling me how it got that way pisses me off so bad and then when the anger wears off the depression sets in and it gets bad sometimes! I just want to stop fighting for myself but i cant do that because i love my life and i would love to be able to do the things i used to like dance i miss that so much!

yzzil September 9th, 2015

So far so good. Fewer mistakes at work today so I'm not hating myself πŸ‘

WonderlandAlice7 September 9th, 2015

Woo! Well done you. Just remember even if you make mistakes, you are a beautiful person :)

impartialTree3773 September 9th, 2015

Good job!! I get you I always seem to be making mistakes, but hey your only human! So keep your head up you are a beautiful person, and anyone who tells you otherwise is blind, and can't see past the imperfections to see the wonderful person.

RaspberryKitten September 9th, 2015

Today I woke up feeling okay. As they day went of I grew more and more tired and my anxiety was growing. Right now I feel tired but hopeful. I've been talking to more people than usual but my closest friend and I have a lot of tension between us. I had a lot of trouble falling asleep last night (finally fell asleep around 4am) and I had to get up at 5:30am. I have no energy or motivation to do anything but I know I have to keep trying.

agreeableKitten7306 September 9th, 2015

There is always hope. Glad you had a good day. May there be many more.

impartialTree3773 September 9th, 2015

I feel the same way. I also made more friends but am growing apart from my old friends, and I haven't sleeped much ether. It's ok though things will get better.

Hollywoodglitter September 9th, 2015

I made an appt with my therapist today. I haven't seen him since my father died

RaspberryKitten September 9th, 2015

I'm sorry for your loss. heart

agreeableKitten7306 September 9th, 2015

Hugs for you. I lost both my parents and it is very hard. Wishing you the best.

impartialTree3773 September 9th, 2015

I'm sorry for you it's good your seeing a therapist though. I give you my strength.

lovingPine3496 September 9th, 2015

I feel even worse today..after I got home yesterday I basically just laid in bed for a good 4-6 hours before finally going to bed. Today wasn't great. I've wanted to explode since my second class. crying

agreeableKitten7306 September 9th, 2015

Sending peace and comfort to you.

impartialTree3773 September 9th, 2015

Lately I've felt empty. Like I'm not worth it, I barely have any friends and the ones I do have don't deserve me. I'm bad at everything, and feel pretty worthless.

Spes September 10th, 2015

@impartialTree3773, I'm sorry you feel so low. The emptiness and numbness are such painful emotions, and they can make your state even worse. You feel worthless, and I wish your brain wouldn't do that to you, wonderful, because you have worth just like any of us. You feel alone, and I'm so proud of you that despite your state you have strength and courage to reach out.

I'm glad to hear you have friends to support. Would you mind telling us more about them?

Lots of love!

tinyDoReMi September 9th, 2015

yesterday was hard... today is hard... tomorrow will be hard... when does that end?
I just feel so utterly alone and I feel like people don't care. I want to physically hang out with someone but I feel like the other person doesn't want to. And when I really had that for a glimps last night, I didn't want him to leave but he had to and that was painful and I felt like I wasn't gonna talk to him or see him again. It was so hard and then it made it hard for me to sleep well. And so many things are going on in my life. I wish I didn't have to deal with those little things. And some people say "I'm sorry you have to go though that and I know it is difficult" but I don't think they fully understand how I feel inside...
broken heart crying

Spes September 10th, 2015

@tinyDoReMi, you're right. Only you know the depth of your despair. Only you know how much persistence you give every day to overcome your hardships. Your sufferings are yours alone.

But that doesn't mean I cannot support you. We are here, lovely, to take your hand and to walk through the darkness together. We can support you when you want to lean and rest. We can sing you soft lullabies when you have troubles with falling asleep. We won't let go when you feel like drowning.

We care about you. And your pain doesn't define this. Your pain only defines itself. We are more than our struggles. We are more than nouns and medical terms.

I don't know how hard it is for you to keep on trying, to fight every day. But I'm here to listen. So please, tell us. We want to know how brave and strong you are.


LovePom September 9th, 2015

I was. I guess you could say. bullied today. It's been happening everyday by my so called friends. Can't get away b/c I was assigned to always be with them ._. Failing my classes, not getting any sleep, lots of hw. My mom got fired too due to her feet cramping severely so she can't work. She has to get surgery too. And last but not least, we're running out of money so yeah...things are just "terrific" right now...

Spes September 10th, 2015

@LovePom, I'm sorry to hear that. You feel very stressed out. Financial matters in family always makes me worry the most. And I tend to think I cannot even talk about it with anyone, because I feel a bit ashamed.

You have a lot of things going on in your life. It's okay to feel sad, to feel overwhelmed. On top of that your classmates are cruel, and it doesn't help you at all. It must be difficult for you. Would you mind me asking how do you like to relax, to find a bit of relief from these problems?

Lots of love!

LovePom September 11th, 2015

Thank you~ I haven't been able to relax in the way I used to. Such as: Drawing, Music, and Writing stories. I can only relax when I go to sleep for the night (which takes an hour =.=)

Spes September 11th, 2015

@LovePom, sleep is enough. Taking care of yourself to go to bed early, to rest through the nigh consistently is already a great self-care.

You are having a hard time, but let me just say, I'm proud of you. You are doing as best as you can. Every little step counts.


placidChestnut4908 September 9th, 2015

Hard day. I suspect that I've entered into a toxic relationship.

Spes September 10th, 2015

Sorry to hear that, @placidChestnut4908. Would you like to tell us a bit more about it?

Lots of love!

Awesomegalaxy September 9th, 2015

Today I felt like I couldn't breathe . My chest was hurting . No one ever talks to me anymore and I don't know why everyone is leaving me . I had to cry all day but I held it in . I'm home now , I've been crying since I got into my room . My makeup is a mess and so am I . I don't know what happiness is anymore . To me it's just a meaningless word now . :/

Spes September 10th, 2015

@Awesomegalaxy, you sound in distress. I'm so sorry that you feel so low. It must be very difficult for you. Would it help you a little if I hug you?

*hugs gently and strokes your hair in a comforting way*

Lovely, can I make it a bit better for you somehow? Maybe you want the nicest place on the Internet?

I hope you will feel better soon. Lots of love!

selfdisciplinedKiwi5891 September 10th, 2015

I just want to go one day without hating how I look or every single piece of clothing I put on. I'm never enough for myself. I'm really sick of hating myself. Why does this happen? There are people who love what they see in the mirror. I've never been one. I don't understand why it's so hard to like myself. Some days are worse than others.

Spes September 10th, 2015

@selfdisciplinedKiwi5891, I'm so sorry to hear you feel so low. I can see you feel exhausting from hatred, that you wish to change your situation. It's an important step - noticing your insecurities, and wanting a better life for yourself. You are already self-aware and it's a great progress, lovely. I'm proud of you.

If you want I can help you find resources to help you battle your negative perception of yourself. Just PM me. I''ll be happy to help and support you, wonderful.

Sending lots of love!

Smallcup7 September 10th, 2015

I feel defeated today. Last night was rough and I basically shut down. This happens often. My SO isn't supportive or encouraging. He's probably the source of most of it.

Spes September 10th, 2015

@Smallcup7, I'm sorry that you feel you don't have support in your loved one. It makes difficult to recover, but it's not impossible.

Maybe your shutting down is a way for you to cope with your pain? Sometimes our brain does strange things to survive. and that's okay. Surviving is enough.

I hope you will feel better soon. All my love!