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what now?

Sebastian0o0 August 17th

what am i supposed to do i truly believe im starting to hit rock bottom these past 2 weeks have been so horrible i want to take action but i dont know how and i dont have the energy to do so im just stuck here with no hope in sight just left here to suffer and i cant do anything about it

bestVase7265 August 18th

I am so sorry that you are suffering. Did you want to tell us more specifics about what is going on? @Sebastian0o0

Sebastian0o0 OP August 18th

@bestVase7265 whats going rn? Idk i just feel numb and hopeless i also stay up alot im usually awake till 5am which is for one reason and i do not feel like typing it out so ill just send u a link to one of my forum posts which talk bout it

bestVase7265 August 19th

Was today any better for you? Sending peace.