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im so tired of life

Sebastian0o0 August 28th

ive been feeling better lately but now i just dont know what to do actually idk if im feeling better or worse like im feeling better in some aspects and worse in others anyways why is it so hard to live like im here but why and what am i supposed to do? i just dont want to go through the same cycle of school holiday repeat its so draining im done with it this was the same reason why i had tw----suicidal thoughts last year i dont want them to come back like what to i do

toughTiger6481 August 28th


I can understand many think what is the purpose?   nothing changes same thing all over again and again.

The reality is if you want change..... make  a change....any change. 

Many seem to think life comes to them .......where ever they are... when in reality....... life is out there and people need to reach and work towards things.    You will need to stretch your level of comfort try many new things some may work some may not and embrace a challenge instead of finding a work around. 

this applies to most everything in life.... school ... work life .... relationships... etc. 

ElHreaby September 3rd


I might not know what you are going through sebi but I believe that this is a test from life to see if you are worthy of what you always wanted

so please don't forget about the rainbow after the rain and never give up💓

Sending hugs༼⁠ ⁠つ⁠ ⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠ ⁠༽⁠つ

ThornyNini September 7th


Hey Sebbbbbb, I'm so proud of you for acknowledging your feelings and seeking support,I want you to know that your emotions are valid,it's okay to feel overwhelmed and unsure about life. You're not alone in this feeling,I feel the same way too ,I know you're feeling a bit stuck and unsure about your life right now,you've made progress in some areas ,but others are still challenging.

Frrr it's like you're taking two steps forward and one step back ,but I want you to know that it's okay to feel this way,it's normal to have ups and downs, and it doesn't mean you're failing or weak.

You do know,that progress is not a straight line, It's normal to experience ups and downs, especially when dealing with depression. You've made progress in some areas, and that's something to be happy about ......... It's okay to experience setbacks what really matters is that you're acknowledging your feelings and willing to work through them.

I need you to take a step back and figure out what's working for you and what's not. Are there specific areas where you feel stuck or uncertain? Are there any patterns or triggers that contribute to these feelings?

And believe me once you have a better understanding of what's going on, you can start finding ways to move forward. This might involve setting realistic goals for yourself.

You knowww? you don't have to have all the answers right now. Just taking small steps towards understanding yourself and making positive changes can make a big difference,be patients too it's all a working progress.

Now about school-holiday cycle I get it, it can be draining but here's the thing: you could break this cycle. Find new hobbies, or try something you've always wanted to do. Find activities that bring you joy and make time for them.

Remember, you're not just going through the motions. You're strong, capable, and I know you can do it.....

Keep pushing forward, even when it's hard. You got this And always remember when ever you feel like your drowning too Deep I want you to remember that meanie Nini is always here for you . Reach out whenever you need someone to talk to💜💜💜💜💜


*Hugggiisss* *passes popcorn* 

P.s I hope you understand something from this blabbering mess hehe...


Sebastian0o0 OP September 7th

@littleNini16 panini this fr means alot to me i dont really know what to say besides thank you ily😭

ThornyNini September 7th


Your welcome sebomayo XDD when ever you call me panini it reminds me of pancakes fr not gonna lie,pan--cake,pa--nini XDD.

Ilyt sebbirexxxx, *Take my popcorn back* 👀👀

passionateBlackberry5634 September 7th

@Sebastian0o0 keep trying your best. even if you have those thoughts, its always good to think of other things. like your friends, family, gf, pets, any reason you should look for to stay here