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had been doing better, but seem to be relapsing again

Cranberry6511 June 8th

I have experienced depression since my teens, and am quite a bit older now. I've become used to fighting this battle every year - it gets worse, it lifts, then I'm down sinking in the muck again.

There are certain times of year when it's much worse for me - and winter, ironically, is not it. However, counselors have told me that depression getting worse from February to April, or even in summer, is in itself a form of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). That's just what I've been told - don't know if it's true.

This past winter, for the first time, I was able to meet with a psychiatrist. In all my history, no one ever referred me or suggested a psychiatrist - which now annoys me, but oh well. So I was put on a medication that I had never tried before, and it was helping for a while. I had gotten through my first "worst season" without feeling.... "awful" and nonfunctional.

I'm still on the medication, have been seeing my therapist and staying in contact with longtime friends, even made one or two new ones. As an autistic, that's major progress for me!!

But lately .... I often tend not to notice depression creeping back in until I'm already in the fog. I'm experiencing that again, but I believe it's because my family and I are about to go through another major life transition -- and honestly, I'm tired of it!!

I'm tired of all the changes, of losing people, of my kids growing up and moving on (yes, Empty Nesters in progress), and looking after my older relatives who seem to have turned mean, angry, and spiteful overnight. I know that's probably not the case, as I have less patience with people than I used to. I hit menopause and everything went wonky on me.

So I guess too many changes over the past couple years, and more to come, and everything feels so empty to me lately. I do get lost in gardening, weeding, etc. on nice days when it's less buggy outside - I can garden and the entire day can zoom by. I just did that this morning, but one of my illnesses really acted up and I had to stop.

People talk about Empty Nesters and midlife as though it's a short period of time, or a one-time thing and it's gone. That's not my experience with it at all, but to each their own, I guess.

Thanks for letting me vent.



I can really get where you're coming from, with the exception that I have SAD in the winter an my nest isn't quite empty.

I have had depression since my teens and it comes and goes in it's intensity. Adding menopause to the mix doesn't seem to be helping.

I'm starting to accept that life is just filled with challenges and I have to learn to deal with it and rise above the depression. Easier said than done.

akunknown June 10th


I’ve been through relapses in my life. Honestly idk anyone who hasn’t. So I understand how you feel and how it’s affecting or impacting you and your life. But I can honestly tell you from experience that relapses are only temporary. How long is lasts is ultimately up to you. That’s a lesson I had to learn. 

You said you were doing fine. That’s because you overcame your depression before. Since you did it before you can most definitely overcome it again. Once you do, you must maintain your happiness, peace, etc and prevent it from coming back again. 

You’re letting something that’s making you suffer enter your life and rent as much space as it wants to for free. You have to kick it out. That’s what I had to do. So I’m here to help you as best as I can. I had my turn. It’s yours now. Best of luck to you :)

Cranberry6511 OP June 18th

Thank you - for me it's a biochemical imbalance, combined with years of trauma and C-PTSD. Even when it "lifts", the anhedonia never really leaves.