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does anyone else feel like this

444tears November 7th, 2022

does anyone else feel so down, ive held in so much sadness in for so long. i was able to still smile, you know fake it til you make it? haha thats what id do. i didnt want anyone to feel what i feel. i care too much. now all that pain its turned to anger. i want to rage out crying. i dont know where i went wrong. i dont know how to make this feeling go away.

i feel like im buried alive.

and i want to rip my heart out my chest.

i want to stop the sea behind my eyes. i dont even know how my eyes are capable of having an oceans worth of tears. my eyes burn.

my minds loud, bursting with the thoughts that i failed.

magneticShoulder3193 November 8th, 2022


I am so sorry that you are feeling so defeated and down. While I don't know exactly what you are struggling with, I know that your feelings are valid and that you are not alone! Sometimes it's so easy to get trapped and stuck in sad feelings that we can forget that other people are struggling with the same things and that we are strong and capable of overcoming our obstacles. I understand how much feelings can hurt though.

You can get through this! We are here for you!

444tears OP November 8th, 2022

i know other people have it worse so im grateful to be alive another day but it hurts so much that id rather go be with them because they are the strong ones. im just breathing:(

bestVase7265 November 9th, 2022

Sending strength and peace. I am so sorry that you are struggling. Do you have anyone you are talking to?@444tears

444tears OP November 9th, 2022

thanm you. i dont which is why i stumbled on this app. still havent spoken to anyone like talking but i did make a post yk.

bestVase7265 November 10th, 2022

This is a good first step. Tell us more about what is going on. @444tears

444tears OP November 9th, 2022

id gladly be willing to talk. you know i actually dont know if you know but ive always been a listener and when i do speak i dont get heard or its told its my fault but i genuinely believe that just being able to hear you speak maybe itd help for you and the same for i

Glimmers22 November 9th, 2022


I've been there. Still am.

As I read your post, I can see you have a gift. A gift for writing. You are a poet; your imagination and wit flow effortlessly.

May I suggest something? I know that some say journaling is a cliché, a repetitive therapy exersise that seems to be recommended by all. But... I'm curious what stories, what characters, what new world, what adventures would come alive by you.

If you could write an alternate universe, of your current life, what would it look like? What would you change, what would you keep?

Could you share it here, with us?

You are going to make it. We are going to make it. We have to.

Sending gentle healing hugs 🌻💖

444tears OP November 9th, 2022

i always wanted to write a book about my struggles but never thought of it as a gift. my professors would tell me my essays and research papers were always done well. words on paper, notes, forum, or a doc are my only escape. ive never seen it as a gift. thank you it was a compliment that made my day. youre such a king angel.

i journal every night about my day and have a question for you, do you? and if you do and think it doesnt help, try getting another pen color and write under it saying how the you did get through the day even if it was done by just in bed. you got through the day. and write that you at the end every time. you got through another day. one day at a time. <33 id love to be friends with you.

i think ill need another post to write what your asking so i’ll do that and try to tag you. i just downloaded this i dont know how it works really. thank you.

Glimmers22 November 9th, 2022


Thank you for your kind words. I will try that way of journaling, After so many journals I became disillusioned by seeing many words but not much progress in how I felt. This way, I can end with a positive note. Thanks again!

Of course we can be friends! I know you have a gift, keep writing.

Maybe someday someone out there will say: "Her book spoke to me, and I'm glad I read it."

And then I can say: " I knew it!" 👍😃

willingSugar9815 November 11th, 2022

@444tears First, I sorry you have to go through this, i’m currently feel very much the same and struggling because and i have no reason for it, i know many people who have gone through so much more. I recently gained a new appreciation for this quote and think this would be a perfect time to share it; If your going through ***, keep fighting!

willingSugar9815 November 11th, 2022

@willingSugar9815 **** is





jasishereforallofu November 12th, 2022

Im sorry that you feel that way feel free to msg me whenever you wish 💕