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User Profile: maxisthebest
maxisthebest November 4th

why do i have to be this way. why am i a screw up. why am i a dissapointment. why am i worthless. why am i even alive.

@pixierobin @iloveyouxx

User Profile: iloveyouxx
iloveyouxx November 5th

mimi don’t say that. you’re not a screw up you’re not a disappointment and you’re not worthless, you’re like the strongest person I know omg even if it doesn’t feel like it right now you're here because the world needs your presence you’re alive because you matter you’re so amazing mimi you don’t understand🩷I’m omw to school and security guy is looking at me weird xD so I might have to go (I’ll reply to your pms later I’m sorryyy) love you I hope you have the best day

2 replies
User Profile: iloveyouxx
iloveyouxx November 5th

User Profile: maxisthebest
maxisthebest OP November 5th


I needed this 💗

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