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Why am I not able to see people’s replies on one of my threads?

ConcernedWife2017 February 12th

I posted a thread a few days ago or so, and people have replied to me. Problem is I can not see their replies. I am having issues with the app. I have uninstalled it and reinstalled it. That didn’t work. I sign out and sign back in. That didn’t work. I keep getting error messages saying I’m not signed in, but I actually am. I don’t know what the deal is and how to see my replies from people on my other threads.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 12th

Hiya @ConcernedWife2017 that seems like an odd issue, it's quite the trouble if you've already tried uninstalling the app also. Which thread is it?^^ 

Did you try viewing the thread/ replies via mobile browser or website too? App can be a little glitchy at times. (': 

If it still is an issue, you can reach out to @tommy or @jon7cups and they can assist you further!💛

ConcernedWife2017 OP February 14th

Hello. It was under the depression, but I can’t not remember what I titled it. I believe it was something about feeling down.

I did not try to view it on the website, but I may try that. Thank you! And also thank you for the names of who to reach out to because I did not know of them. Thank you so much 💜