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Favour15 August 28th

The last time I was happy was 2018, there’s always something in the way of my happiness. I keep asking myself could I be the problem. Why is it so hard for me to be happy. Nothing ever works out, from one disappointment to the other .

I have forgotten what it feels like to be happy , I feel unlucky and alone .

Yougotmyback August 29th

I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. It's not your fault. A lot of times, things don't go according to our plans.

Always take a moment to acknowledge your feelings. Sometimes, all we need to do is accept how we're feeling in the present moment and remember that nothing is permanent. Allow a thought to come and then pass away. I know this is very difficult, but if we practice it every day, we will learn not to make these thoughts permanent in our minds or be able to deal with them, even if they settle there. Remember that our mind can play tricks on us. ❤️

The world is a big place, and we're never truly alone. We are all under the same sky. Sometimes, we make people our entire world without realizing that the world is within us, and we can always find it. 🌻

I believe in you. We all do. You'll find a way out. Just don't stop and don't give up. Give yourself some rest. You deserve that care.🌱🦋

You're strong and I know you will fight back. <3

Sometimes there are things that happen to show us a path. Try to write a few everyday. One for what you think went bad and other for what moment you think was story worthy in your day. You'll find it difficult at first but slowly you'll observe both of them in your life each day. That will help you see through certain things.

And take care, okiee? 🎈

You matter. :)

toughTiger6481 August 29th


"Happy" .... can be elusive...

we can be happy with some things in life at the same time being UNhappy with other aspects.   Much life the glass half full or half empty... a matter of perspective.... 

I Have had various things lately that really cemented that for me....  I  had a weekend away with 3 ppl was a real pain and the other 2 were great  while as a whole I could say it was not great.............. I chose to breakdown the good parts. and forget the bad ... like editing. 

 I could not go for the do the things that use to make you happy .... really years ago we were different people those things may not be the answer ....Try new things and do not expect 100% happy........ but take and savor anything that was happy about it. 

Attitude is a big thing I know for years I fought that as BS ..... but once I actually embraced it ... i see things in a much better light.