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The high expectations and our sorrows

User Profile: Mustafa97Ee
Mustafa97Ee April 10th, 2023

🔸I believe that many of our tragedies and sorrows stem from within.The source is our personal perception or understanding of life, of God, of people, and of ourselves. This understanding makes us expect things from all of this and from ourselves.

🔸Our perception is based on the current awareness or perception built by current humanity, our opinions of who is ugly and who is beautiful. Our opinions of who has the most money is to be the best in society. or that God is cruel, he does not help anyone. or that we should have a group of people called "friends", people who never change, never make mistakes, and stay with us. We expect that we must do this and that, otherwise we are failures.

🔸All of these realizations are temporary. It varies from time to time and from generation to generation. We expect people to fully understand us, we want people to understand our worth.
And if we do not see that from them, we grieve and feel that we have no value.
All these false realizations and false expectations lead us to be vulnerable to sadness and depression.

🔸Some people feel sad because they don't have friends, not because they really want to but because they see others walking together, they want to be like them, but deep down they don't. He will not feel comfortable after finding those people. maybe he is better alone.

🔸And if we assume that he found it, then it is fake, because he has been indoctrinated that he who does not have a friend is a failure. He was taught that he who had no friends would be sad and lonely and that he would have difficulties in life. Speech is long and words are not enough to explain the idea.

🔸Let's fix that source, not to expect anything, change our perception of things, we are not just absurd little beings in this universe, but we are the universe itself. It starts from within us. It's easy to blame others and God for everything. And I am not saying that others have not wronged against us.

🔸But for our own sake, we have to remember that nothing is really personal in life, everyone acts on the basis that they have been taught in society, on the basis of what they have seen and experienced. Therefore, let us lower the ceiling of expectations, and shut down the sources of false perception.

User Profile: ASilentObserver
ASilentObserver April 12th, 2023

@Mustafa97Ee wonderful reflections. Thank you for the insightful perspective. I agree that many of our sorrows and tragedies stem from within - from false perceptions, unrealistic expectations, and a lack of understanding about ourselves and the world around us. It is easy to blame external factors, but finding inner peace requires looking inward and gaining a more balanced view of life. Lowering unrealistic expectations, embracing impermanence and imperfection, and recognizing our inherent worth can help alleviate much suffering.

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User Profile: Mustafa97Ee
Mustafa97Ee OP April 12th, 2023


I like your summary of the idea in few, deep and great words. Thank you for being here. wish you a peaceful day, Free of sorrows, full of happiness 💚

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User Profile: jerryco789
jerryco789 April 12th, 2023


Thank you for this powerful message 🤍