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Term for depression only when alone?

User Profile: pluckySummer2923
pluckySummer2923 December 27th, 2023

Hi, is there a term to describe or name for depression that only exhibits while one is alone?  Whenever I am interacting with people or working on a team, I don’t feel depressed or act depressed and I even feel like I’m firing on all cylinders, but when I’m alone I struggle to DO anything.  When I’m alone I feel like an empty lump, but I know that emptiness is there to suppress the anger I have bottled up for years.   It’s not even voluntary.  When someone interacts with me, it’s like this wholly different persona shines through.  A useful, helpful, valued member of the team persona.   And as soon as I’m alone, it all collapses.  

User Profile: InquireWithin
InquireWithin December 30th, 2023


I don't know the answer, if there is one, but dysthymia is one term I have heard bandied about to describe something along the lines of what you describe.

User Profile: SamGafutz
SamGafutz January 3rd, 2024

Just something to think about… what is your self-talk like? You might not like the YOU you are around when you are alone… since you mention you are fine around others, maybe you are too hard on yourself when alone, or are taking all the blame for something out of your control… just a thought, be nicer to yourself as a possibility. (Humbly submitted)

User Profile: fightingdementors
fightingdementors January 6th, 2024

I feel the exact same way.. I don't know if there is a term for it.. I don't think even therapists know.. I don't believe it is the negative self talk.. We'll, I for one think that some ppl are just wired that way..

User Profile: Busymomof1
Busymomof1 January 8th, 2024

@pluckySummer2923. I’m the same way way!