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Seasonal Depression??

oliveTree4069 September 8th, 2023

Hello all! I need a little help with something. During the spring of each year, approximately February to beginning of June everything goes downhill for me. My mental state gets worse, I’m really tired most days and I feel hopeless and sad. For literally no reason. I don’t know why this happens during that specific time of year. Some background, I take sleeping pills, birth control, and depression and anxiety meds, and I am a 16 year old highschool girl. My mental health isn’t always great, but I feel like it gets worse from February to June.But I love winter. Christmas is my favorite holiday, and the one sport I’m actually into (down hill ski) only is available during the winter. I like winter as much as summertime. I was talking to my sister (she’s my twin)

and she suggested that I might have seasonal depression. That’s so strange though. Does it really have anything to do with the weather, because I don’t think of the weather during that time of year to make me feel sad. This has been happening every year since 7th grade. A year after Covid, which happened around that same time, but I don’t think that’s it. I haven’t thought about Covid in forever, I kinda forgot all about what happened in 2020. So I don’t think that’s it. Does anyone have any advice? I’ve gone online and it’s all like “if you hate winter you have it” and stuff like that, but I don’t hate winter. Also, I can’t go to a professional for help, and I know no one here is a professional, but any advice would be helpful.

Thank you all so much! Have a wonderful morning/evening!!😊


toughTiger6481 September 10th, 2023


I think is is common that more people think of seasonal depression as winter ....... but it does not have to be just that season

Perhaps spring is a tough time for you because it is a season or renewal things starting fresh and for me spring seems to move quickly if I feel i am growing in my life and all around me things are waking and growing i get the left behind type feeling