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Scared before, sad now?

User Profile: livbinny
livbinny January 17th

To this day I can get sad n empty involuntarily

I was always scared I couldn’t do it with ppl

but it’s like with box

best demonstration by me!

ppl are marbles

ur the white box

taking marbles away wont do anything to box, it will stay

even if they did hurt etc

u still remain u

i can still go without friends n im better off from toxic ppl

u can be on ur own just fine, just like before i was on my chase to search for ppl

dont seek, remain for urself

those scary times n fears that we cannot when before we could

who told us that

maybe our mind or own attachment

but that’s all illusion

yes, convos might miss n u might feel deprived of communication but over time u get back with yourself n that’s priceless

it will still be somewhat empty, scary n sad

but u will always survive

and we all go here when we get nobody to talk to

so it’s just fine

this is how I’m staying out of depression ppl