Professional peychologists
Hey everyone. I any of you is a professional psychologist (not in course) but been in it for years and have enough experience then can we connect?
I'm already in therapy but I feel I need extra help from someone who's not a student anymore. This year in January I went to therapy and later on was diagnosed with moderate to severe depression, OCD, GAD and PTSD.
It's been 10 months and even though therapy has inproved a lot of things, I'm still struggling.
I think I really need to talk to someone who has enough experience.
I can't afford online therapy tbh as I'm not earning rh. So, I'd be grateful if you'd be a listener for me. I talk very less in therapy and that has been a struggle. I can type more but I couldn't write my thoughts and show them. So, I couldn't disclose anything extreme as such. Um I don't know how to describe it better but I'm struggling every day and I have motivated myself for too long. I do it even today but I'm exhausing and draining myself each day...and now I really need a different kind of help.
Thank you.
It's good to hear that your therapy has helped a little but you recognise there's still a lot of work to do. Maybe you can find an organisation (for example, PTSD support charities) that offer free or subsidised therapy to help you take the next step?
At 7 Cups the listener's role is simply that - to listen - rather than act as a professional psychologist. And maybe that will be a big, or big enough help to you. How do you feel about trying a couple of one-on-one chats with listeners on here to try to find someone who you feel hears you and can walk alongside you for a while on your journey?