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Nearly exhausted by depression and anxiety

Tesy July 15th, 2023

I feel so depressed, annoyed and anxious lately. Frustration triggers it, but what sucks is that the things that frustrate me cant be unfortunately quickly and easily removed.

I am going to talk with my therapist about ways to regulate depression. Depression for me is so far the scariest mental illness - i know how to cope with stress, anxiety, regulate myself mostly without dissociating,

but i have almost no idea what to do with my depression, it is very scary.

I am just venting here rn i dont have anybody to talk about this beside my therapist :(

hopefulPond6108 July 15th, 2023

@Tesy Hi. Sorry you’re dealing with depression. This helped me.

MeaningfulSilence July 15th, 2023


Hi Tesy, welcome!

It's good you joined, we are here for that 🌸

I totally understand that when the causes of feeling low/depressed aren't of easy and prompt solution it gets frustrating and overwhelming, really heavy. And I am sorry to know that you are exactly facing this kind of situation. You said you can deal with other feelings like anxiety but depression scares you...would you share why it scares you more than anything else?

Hope the appointment with the therapist will be soon, if it reassures you.

We are here in case you want to post again with updates and to share how you feel.

Keep on going, be patient and gentle with yourself, I am sure you'll be able to cope with depression too!

Tesy OP July 16th, 2023

Well depression scares me because i cant embrace like i do with most of my emotions.

When i embrace the feeling and say in my head its valid it just gets worse. I get more tired, start feeling more low and most importantly it eats away my otherwise good rationality and level headedness which are my bulwarks against mental illness.

MeaningfulSilence July 17th, 2023



Seems like it needs to be approached differently then. I hope you will find a better coping mechanism that works better for you, to alleviate a bit the worst sensations that happen with depression.

Take care 🌸

Radiocarbon July 15th, 2023


I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling depressed, annoyed, and anxious. Dealing with frustration can indeed be challenging, especially when the underlying issues causing it cannot be easily resolved. It's important to remember that it's okay to feel frustrated and that these feelings are valid.

matchaLover89 July 17th, 2023

@Tesy Hi, I'm Celine :) I will never know the extent of what you're going through since I don't have depression, but I do know that you are so strong. I'm sure it's extremely tough to deal with, but I'm glad that you have a therapist to talk to and that you feel comfortable talking on here. Some days will be worse than others, but just remember that all the highs and lows pass; tomorrow is a day to start anew. Keep fighting and staying true to yourself. Surround yourself with good people who bring out the best in you. I'm so proud of you for everything so far!