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I think I’m poison

LostAzure411 January 26th

Looking over my life, I don’t feel like I am good for the people I’ve loved. I feel like my family is wasted on me. I feel like I destroyed each of my friendships, and I feel like it’s my fault for not preventing my closest friend murdering his girlfriend. I can look at each of these and say that it’s not true, that I have been a positive influence in my family, my past friendships ended for a good reason, and I had no control over what he did. I can say that, but it doesn’t stop the pain. It doesn’t prevent the self-hate. I still blame myself for all of it. I don’t think I can relate to people, and that has always been the case. I think that for every painful moment in my life, I have been the cause at some level. I am the problem; the poison. I hate it. I don’t want to be rejected, or hated, or hurt anymore. I don’t want to be a person. I just wish I could exist in a vacuum, with no worries of how to talk to people without being turned on, or how to act so I don’t make people uncomfortable, or any more of this guilt echoing in my heart. I don’t want to think anymore. I want to stop causing problems, but I feel like my existence causes issues by itself.

Tinywhisper11 January 26th

@LostAzure411 you'd be surprised how many of us feel guilty and to blame for all our lives bad things. I know I do. But we are not the problem, or the poison, just merely human. I know how hard it can get, how bad we can feel at times. But don't give up, don't give up on yourself or people. For every bad moment that makes you feel this way, make sure there are 10 great moments to make you feel proud, happy.  It's ok to not want to feel this way anymore, to not want to let people in, to want anymore hurt. I've always dreamt about running away and living in the middle of the woods, in a log cabin, away from everyone ❤ do you wish you could do that too?

toughTiger6481 January 26th


many have these thoughts and feelings that somehow "if i only did this or that...... all these bad things would not happen"     

If and when good things happen do you think "hey i did that "  my guess is no ... many people seem to only take blame not credit... but most things we are only a small part in and we are not in control of the things that happen around us. 

Friendships do end....... as i think many come into our lives and maybe we learn things from each other and eventually we move on... family has ups and downs and anyone could find out they were friends with someone who was capable of horrific things .... you did not cause that.