I feel exhausted.
After the death of Miss Shaimaa, may God have mercy on her soul, I feel a great loss in my heart and in my life. Miss Shaimaa was not just a teacher, she was a symbol of cooperation and respect. She truly raised us to be one group and help each other. That's why everyone loved her and treated her kindly, and the school environment was full of cooperation and mutual support. Even the students who were considered troublemakers were kind and could be friends.
Now, after her death, I feel that the school environment has changed dramatically. Dealing with negative behaviors has become very exhausting, especially in the difficult circumstances I am going through. I long for the days that were full of cooperation and respect, and I wish I could go back to those times or find a way to improve the current situation.
Dealing with this type of negative behavior has become very difficult, especially when I myself cannot bear the loss of Miss Shaimaa and need support. I feel like I need a supportive and respectful environment like the one that Miss Shaimaa provided, but I'm finding it difficult to find that now.. May God have mercy on her, forgive her, and make her abode in heaven and unite us with her in the highest paradise, God willing.