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How to stop being so hard on myself

Jackyboi0516 May 21st

I always want the best of myself, ever since that incident, that's what I thought. I have to be independent at all cost and don't rely on others. As a student, everything must be the best. Even though my grades are "above average" I'm still not satisfied with myself. Nothing is ever enough. Grades is just one thing, little things in life as well. Small little mistakes that shouldn't be made are unforgivable. I feel like I'm on the verge of insanity (again).

I'm completely burnt out now, but I can't stop now and recover. If I stop, there's no way I'm able to catch up with life later on. If I don't stop, I'm definitely going to relapse back into suicidal thoughts again.

I don't want to go back into the void that I worked so hard to climb out again. How do I stop?

Tinywhisper11 May 21st

@Jackyboi0516  hijack ❤ I don't know what incident happened, but wanting to be the best and do everything perfectly, is not realistic, sorry sweetie. Life doesn't always go the way we planned no matter how hard we try. And when it comes to health, then there's nothing more important! It's no good you carrying on, then end up in a bad way, or death. Cause then it won't turn out the way you planned it either. Are you taking meds for mental health? Or getting any help? I would suggest explaining all this to your doctor, and then try your best to follow their advice, and we are all right here for you to support you any way we can. Gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤ good luck with everything ❤

slayerspike May 21st

Being a perfectionist is so punishing. You clearly have high standards and are high performing. One question: Would you put the expectations that you’re putting on yourself on someone else? Try to treat yourself as you would your best friend. Ask someone you trust to help you set realistic goals so that you’re not always feeling like you’re falling short. Remember, no one is capable of being super high functioning every single day. Giving yourself a break doesn’t mean you’ve failed. Carry on and continue to work hard, but don’t work yourself into the ground!

C01CA04 May 23rd

You be you, many people have suicidal thoughts.