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How to forgive yourself. Get rid of guilt. Stop over-worrying of I might hurt someone again.

toughSea5788 October 30th, 2022

How do I let it go?

Luke1019 November 2nd, 2022


Self forgiveness. Ah the hardest of the ability to grant forgiveness . We tend to be hard on ourselves don't we? Perhaps in life we set unrealistic expectations on ourselves and others. This is merely premeditated resentment. Against self? Yes it is possible to resent yourself for failing to live up to the expectations we place on ourselves. First we must realize we are only human and making mistakes is inevitable. Though we make mistakes we are not mistakes. Though I make bad decisions at times does not mean I'm stupid or inadequate. To forgive yourself means to let it go. It's easy to say "I forgive myself, I'm only human I made a mistake but can learn from it and change" but if nothing changes and you still bear resentment towards self, then truly u didn't forgive yourself. This means we are "hanging on" to whatever we resent about ourselves or whatever we have done. Idk if u believe in a higher power, call it God, Great Spirit, Allah, Creator, idk I'm not here to preach religion. Or impose my beliefs upon you. Try this though. It's straight outta the AA big book. I'll summarize the paragraph n if you care to know more hmu. It states to really rid ourselves of RESENTMENTS means forgiveness must take place. So think of someone ur holding a grudge against. Or resentment towards. Pray to God or whomever you call this higher power, ask him or her or whatever u decide to give that person everything they need and desire for themselves, pray for them to be blessed and prosper. Pray they get everything you would desire for yourself. Pray that they succeed in all things. At first u may not mean it. Or think this praying game is for the birds. But do it everyday for 30 days. I promise you, wholeheartedly, that eventually you will start to mean what u pray over them, and eventually you will be rid of that resentment. 30 days is all I ask. If it works for forgiving others, guess what? It works for ourselves as well. For instance replace negative self talk with positive statements or prayer. "God I pray you help me forgive myself for ......... I pray you take my grudge against self and replace it with love and wisdom to learn from my mistakes. I pray where there is resentment there be love and forgiveness. My identity does not come from my mistakes or what I have done dear God for I can learn from my mistakes and also learn to love myself instead of hating. Thank you if you are real and heard me"

Or something similar.

It's only a suggestion ok. It's spirituality which is a word I don't like using because it sounds religious . It's not. Spirituality has nothing to do with religion. Thx for reading hope this helps. Anxious to hear from you in 30 days with an update!! God bless