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Girlfriend 1 month

lavenderAvocado2406 August 4th, 2023

I have been talking over the phone for about a month with a girl.I had one date with her.4 days ago she texted me she needs space to sort her life,we then had a long conversation in which she revealed to me she has been battling depression for 3 years and it is recently been very bad,therefore she was asking for space. I am very concerned for her,her family is not in close contact with her and she doesn't have too many close friends. I am worried she might do something to hurt herself. I don't know where she lives or the contact info of her family. What is the best way to handle this?I was planning to text her ,call this Friday to check in. She had mentioned before that she will stay in touch but I have not received any texts from her

SquareK August 4th, 2023


I'm really sorry to hear that you're in such a difficult and concerning situation. It's clear that you genuinely care about this girl and her well-being. It's important to approach this situation with sensitivity and understanding, considering the complexities of her battle with depression.

Your intention to check in shows that you're genuinely concerned about her and her struggles. When you reach out, you might want to let her know that you've been thinking about her and that you're here to support her in any way she's comfortable with. You could mention that you understand she needs space, but you also care about her and would like to know how she's doing.

Reiterate your willingness to listen and support her without any judgment or pressure. Let her know that you're available to talk whenever she's ready and that you genuinely care about her. It's important to acknowledge that you understand the severity of her situation and that her safety is your top priority. It’s crucial for people with depression to make them know that they’re cared for and not alone.

Remember, you're in a challenging position, and while you can offer your support, you can't be solely responsible for her well-being. Encourage her to seek professional help if she hasn't already. A mental health professional can provide the appropriate guidance and support for her specific situation.

lavenderAvocado2406 OP August 4th, 2023

Thank you so much for your response.we have been talking daily for a month over the phone.i texted her today and plan on asking her to meet up tomorrow.would it be a good idea or should I give her more space?it's confusing because I'm in confused and not sure if she likes me,or dealing with depression.i want her to feel safe since she gets suspicious very easily.too much uncertainty

LostTurtle2 August 5th, 2023

Yeah. You need to avoid putting pressure on her. Just tell her you're here for her if she wants to talk. Maybe offer help with shopping, doctor visit, etc. Depressed people tend to reject contact with others even though they need it badly. Please keep us posted.

EddieL August 5th, 2023

I agree, I would be a bit wary of trying to over-contact her at this point. Since this is all relatively recent, I think giving it a week or so for things to settle would be advisable before checking in again.