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Getting to know the things within your control


Hello everyone.We all face these difficult emotions during difficult situations. But I want to let you all know that we must learn to control all those things that are within our control and not let those things that are not within our control affect us( i.e the situation). All we can do is change the things within our control. For example: what I say to people, what I focus on i.e how and on what things I spend my energy on, my thoughts, my boundaries, etc.

People need help when the things that are out of their control affects them. For example a person worrying about the future and the past is likely to neep support and help.

There are are many other areas in one's life that one worries or gets anxious about. These are just the negative emotions which disappear when we learn to redirect our focus on things that are more in our control( our thoughts). Thus by doing this, we learn to accept these undesirable emotions.

toughTiger6481 August 11th


good reminders.......

i think many get worked up because items that are in our control or out many times the line is not clear ... life is not always a one size fits all and defined. 

We cannot change others but with involvement we can inspire change.... yet so many deem out of their control why bother, then seem disappointed when something becomes their issue by association.