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Can someone help i need some advise asap :(

User Profile: convivialSail864
convivialSail864 December 31st, 2024

i could really use some advice , at the begining of me and my partners relationship she told some lies and done some silly things that gets me down when i thing about it , after 1 and a half month of dateing my partner she had liked a guys *** picture (who she has previous history with) , she tells me it was nothing but i cant help think that she wasnt that interested in me at the time and i was just an option or that something was still going on between them , it makes my anxiety spike and i feel sick to my stomach when i think about it it gets me really depressed were i shut down and overthink, can can anyone give me some advice please im really struggling , we both love eachother deeply and have a son together but i just cant seem to let go of some things as they still hurt when i think of it and its hard to stop these thoughts coming to my head

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 December 31st, 2024


Of course that is upsetting and a thousand thoughts can swirl in our heads. 

Are you talking with her about things in marriage or hoping it fixes itself. 

 What happens when she does this type of thing?   Is she overwhelmed or frustrated and makes these comments to be hurtful?    

I find when people say things they know will cause issues they Want a reaction.  if you are giving her the reaction  she wants ...of being anxious and questioning everything then you need to find other ways to say "ok lets talk about this "  

Some people play this sort of game ( imo caused by immaturity) to bring up an ex almost like a threat like she has options.   they are EXes for a reason time did not stand still like they could just start like life did not happen since they broke up. 

You have a child together and the time you have been together she is not the same person she was when with an ex.  I am sure EX is not who she thinks he is anymore either.