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Boss\Coworkers - Feeling hurt by them and sad

tealCurrent9178 January 8th, 2023

My superiors say i changed, wrote me up saying I was mean and rude and not nice to customers but in is harsher words. I could of been fired. They say it is not going in my permanent record, but in my file that is in my record. I can't fight back due to people say it will make it worse. Feeling have no options, want to quit; however, have no other job. Disappointed my family by wanting to quit.

innateJoy9602 January 10th, 2023


Receiving negative feedback can be hurtful. Especially, if you feel it was unjustified. A positive to take note of though is that it is not going on your permanent record. Yet, I get why it could still feel disheartening. Given that this was posted two days ago, how are you feeling now? Hope you’re feeling a bit better.💜

toughTiger6481 January 10th, 2023


I doubt honestly anyone takes criticism well.... as far as being on your record or in a file .... sounds like a customer service job and unless you plan a career in this company/job........ that really does not matter It is not like if you went somewhere else your record is sent to new job....

It is frustrating and the thing i used to do in this situation of someone being critical is attempt to smile and be what they want to fit their mold ..........while i apply for other jobs.... ONLY you know what your situation is and family sometimes think just play along because it is a job but they are not seeing anything but the outside and a paycheck not what your do everyday to get that paycheck....

sometimes you will reach a point where it is not worth it.

bestVase7265 January 11th, 2023

So sorry that your superiors were so negative when you weren't expecting it. That is hard to adapt to.

What kind of work do you do or would you like to do? The one thing that you can always do (which makes you feel better because you are doing something) is just to start looking for other things in your spare time.@tealCurrent9178