Believe and you shall see
The concept of manifestation was such a mystical idea to me when I came across it for the first time. Back then, I never was able to see beyond the surface. I was superficial, skeptic, and cynical. When I hit my mid-twenties, I also hit something else-- rock bottom. This was the by far the darkest phase in my life. Putting the diagnosis aside, I was unwell, truly. I saw no hope, not ever a glimmer. I was giving up. I almost did... But then I realized that I was trapped within this ecosystem in which I was defined by my diagnosis... a disorder that was deemed incurable, rather "treatable". How can someone get better if they were set up to fail? I was indirectly told that I should give up by the professionals. Don't get me wrong, I believe in the science behind all of this. But the newer version of me also believes in the power of conviction. Evidently, back then, this wasn't the case. But this is exactly the point. It was only when I started to believe that my disorder/disease can be cured, that I actually began to get better. I woke up one morning and decided that I WILL get better, no matter what they say. I will quit my medications (all 7 of them). I will stop identifying with my problems, traumas, pain, you name it. I'm not sure what changed inside of me that flipped that switch that day. But what I'm sure of is that it began with a mere intention. I was tired of running. I needed to fix this for real. And only then did I really begin to effectively heal. And I did. Everything changed. Just by believing that there's more to me than this. I began to get out of bed, to engage, to talk, to live. Everything changed.
Never underestimate the power of belief. If you truly believe something, you shall see it. I'm no better than anyone-- just lucky.
I've been off meds for years now. I don't need them anymore. I'm stronger, better, and more present. I'm happy. I am truly healing. And so can anyone.
@Pharaoh2017, Am super glad that you recovered, I have word of request, what happened to you is wonderful, but when you tell other pls be careful, many would not understand and jump into conclusion to avoid meds!
@calviness Hey, thank you for passing by. I understand your concern. But I'm pretty confident that my words are clear about this. I believe that meds have a purpose, but we should not extend that purpose beyond its limits. Meds are useful, but they definitely pose the threat of diminishing returns at some point. I'm not anti-meds, nor am I pro-meds. I'm a man of balance. I believe life is all about balance.