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At a loss for words

VerticalGrimmace July 11th, 2023

Is history truly "Doomed" to repeat itself, or is it more comforting for history to find relief in the foresight of it's fate?

It seems easier for my subconscious to project the familiar woes I was witness to, and to play the role of the person I've been told I was,than to chance the existence of something foreign to it.

If defeating my depression and unrest means I have to trick it from it's shell made of self fulfilling prophecies, than so be it.

tornwillow July 11th, 2023


i guess history is exactly this yet fate perhaps lessons missed

slowdecline48 July 12th, 2023

Dunno how it relates to depression, but my view of history is that it does not repeat: it recurs. There's a difference.

What does repeat is human folly--you can always depend on that. But the consequences play out a bit differently each time.