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7 cups, of water

User Profile: DanDrisco
DanDrisco January 14th, 2024

Good day to you all,

During what I can only describe as the most challenging point of my life, I have finally found the light and it's all thanks to this app, a few good neighbors, my wife and my friends. This was how I found my way out of a bad depression and encourage any and all to take this in consideration.

Around 4 years ago both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer. One was stage four and the other was stage one. My immediate reaction was to spend time with them and help out around the house or doctor appointments, but one moment in particular sent me on a downward spiral.

I lost my father about a year ago, which I tried hard to hold in my grief. This was my biggest mistake, about a year passed and I couldn't hold it on anymore. From family fighting about money to my marriage falling apart everything felt like it was coming down on me, and so, I cracked.

During all of this my wife got good with a hobby which peaked my interest in finding my own. I tried video games but found no purpose, I tried woodwork and make a few birdhouses but ultimately walked away from that. Then I tried melting metals, I started collecting silver rounds as a reward for quitting drinking as well as a savings of what would have normally went to alcohol.

I made the item I wanted to, but I seen my wife started struggling with her hobby. So, I put it to the side so I can help her catch up with her tasks that were building up. During this, I decided to try and change my morning routine. Instead of starting my day with the usual caffeine cigarettes and all sorts of junk I decided to start with a bottle of water. This has been pretty helpful in some sort of way as I see it as a good start to my day rather than smoking and feeling like crap from so much caffeine. It's a very subtle change in routine, but it's a good change in my opinion.

Now, I feel like things are starting to feel better. I'm no longer getting mad at myself for the things I cannot control, I'm no longer sitting in my thoughts and if I feel like sat too long, i.e: right now, I get up and pace or go look around the house for anything to do. Your emotions may be heavy and damning but arguing within your own self will only make things worse and I can tell you first hand it will not get better until you make a change in yourself.

Getting yourself moving, treat yourself properly and not like trash. You are more important than you truly understand and you will find your way out of dark times, but dark times will not find their way out of you until you come to the realization that you are important and meant to do great things.