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Discuss with Depression - Random Acts of Light with @swiftygirl13

EmmaE June 21st, 2022

hey hey everyone!

in honour of our event, random acts of light day, the amazing @WarmLightXO has interviewed the incredible @swiftygirl13! lets see what they said to say :)

Interviewer: WarmLightXO

Interviewee: swiftygirl13

Hey friend! Thanks for doing this interview for Random Acts of Light Day :) Often, it only takes one gentle word to help someone overcome darkness. We are encouraged to bring light to the darkness by surprising someone with an act of kindness <3 How would you define kindness?

Hey Elliot, any time lol. To me kindness comes in many forms. Words, actions and many more ways. Just being there for someone counts as kindness. You don't always know when you are kind, it's just something that comes naturally.

Sometimes when we’re struggling it can be easy to convince ourselves that no one cares or that we’re alone. We never know what other people might be dealing with, what can we do in our everyday lives to spread kindness and light?

Well I always think of how bad I feel when I am really down and keep in mind how I wish I was treated, then when i see someone else down I can't help but try help them. It is surprising how well I can keep my emotions at bay when someone I care about is feeling bad. I try and be as happy cheerful and positive as I can be but the most important thing I forget to do is get help myself. So remember you are just as important as everyone else.

It’s easy to think of random acts of light as being something that costs you money or causes you anxiety. While we can show kindness by buying someone’s lunch or complimenting them, what are other more accessible ways to show this kindness?

Being there to listen, support and comfort each other. Weather its on cups or with your friends. I like to show kindness with my friends by just being happy and caring about them or the things they are doing. Smile at people and/or help them out with something

Many of us spend a lot of time online, 7Cups included. How can we be kind to someone online, without ever meeting them in person?

Show respect for each other, be caring and just keep in mind that they are human too! Think to yourself about why you are on 7 cups and then think before you type. Show support and let them know you care about them and their feelings.

A benefit of offering support and kindness to others is that it brings light to our lives too. Can you share an example of a time you showed kindness and how it affected you?

There was this family at the shops last year I think it was, and the mum was a single mum and clearly struggling. She had newborn twins and 3 other children younger than the age of 10. The mum was trying to settle the twins while some others were running around and the mum was getting really stressed. I offered to help keep the children while she cares for the twins. After some convincing she let me and we went to the park in the shop. She was so happy nd the children and I still hang out every now and then. It feels great helping that family and we have gotten really close. They are my second family. And I love them and they have been half the reason I am here. One small act of kindness can mean the world to someone.

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” -Edith Wha. What is an example of being a candle? What about a mirror?

Imagine you are in a dark room you feel alone and scared and then slowly there is a light coming closer… you can feel the warmth slowly creeping in and you are no longer alone because someone has come and is there for you. That is being a candle helping lighten someone's mood and spread kindness. While Mirroring it is reflecting off someone elses kindness, for example if you have 2 mirrors opposite each other it's like a never ending reflection of the object in between them. Kindness should be something that is never ending.

Thank you again for taking the time to do this interview! One final question, do you think we can bring to light our own darkness?

Thank you for having me! It will take time but I am sure 7 cups will be able to bring light to my darkness over time. Nothing ever happens straight away so I need to keep giving it my all and ask for help when needed.

if you would like to take part in this series, please fill out THIS INTEREST FORM

taglist: @Faithmagic @HealingTalk @ListeningWren012 @SoftFaith2004 @WarmLightXO

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Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 21st, 2022

@EmmaE @WarmLightXO @swiftygirl13

Hiii Emma, yes I think you expected me here lolllll! Thanks for posting! ❤

Wonderful interview, Elliot, thankyou for conducting. ❤ the questions are amazing!

Hiya Swifty, I believe we are meeting for the first time, always a second and other times though with me in forums, so no worries lol.

Gosh I love this interview! Your kindness clearly shines through, and super brightly also. I like the examples you gave for kindness as a candle and then as a mirror, yes it should pass on and be neverending.

The lovely act of kindness where you offered to help the shop owner is sooooo very touching, not so random aye, but yes yes, every act makes a huge difference in one's life and we often do not realise it too (which in my very humble opinion is a good thing, helps us feel grounded at all times).

While all the answers were brilliant and simply adorable, the one line I really resonate with is "kindness is something that comes naturally" ~ that's exactly how I feel it is too, something extremely natural and often we are not even aware we are doing something that can be considered "kind" ~ I really love these naturally kind instances. Everyone may have different ways of expressing the same, which is ofcourse okay. But yay to the two super simple ways of being kind, smiling at someone and being there for them, even if the third-wheeler is silence lol, love these too. Many thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. And yes yes, you are someone, someone important too, fully deserving of kindness, love, support and all things radiant in life. Sending brightest beams of light your way super swiftly. 😛❤

Enchanted2024 June 22nd, 2022


Thank you so so much for that Sun. I have seen u around in some of the forums but this makes it official lol. Thank you for the encouragement and I hope others feel the same about this :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 22nd, 2022


Aww hehe nice to get the official seal lol! And ofcourse! ❤

Enchanted2024 June 22nd, 2022


Also here is my little diary thing if u would like to know a bit about me :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 22nd, 2022


Aww thankiees for sharing, will swing by super soon. ❤

Enchanted2024 June 22nd, 2022


I have a great quote for on behalf of the candles of kindness. "Dont burn yourself trying to keep others warm." Remember sometimes you have to be kind to yourself too!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 22nd, 2022


Thankyou for sharing, Swifty, I've come across this quite before and I absolutely love it too. We can become a light for others only when we are shining too. 💛 Self-kindness is super important, yes.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 7th, 2022

Hope more people get to see this. Lovely interview!💛