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art feedback

frankGrapes2846 April 17th

This is a sketch of one of my characters, does anyone have any feedback about it?
I have noticed that my sketches are a little too messy in my opinion, and it does become a little distracting, making it a little more difficult for me to visualize my artwork. Does anyone have advice on that matter? 🙂




Heeeeeey , your art piece is amazing  ♡ Though I am not a good artist , I can tell you that each art is beautiful as if it is done by heart . 

frankGrapes2846 OP April 17th

@incredibleRainbows2036 thank you sm^^

CJHere2Help April 17th


This is beautiful! I love the style of sketches with the linework like that. 10/10 drawing 💜

frankGrapes2846 OP April 17th

@CJHere2Help thank you sm^^^^^ 😭