Jsou tu nějací Češi nebo Slováci?
July 31st, 2016
Zatím jsem tady nikoho nepotkala, takže doufám, že se někdo ozve.
Nebojte se, já vás nekousnu .
August 1st, 2016
@Betka - Nechci mluvit česky, ale je to krásný jazyk!
(this post made possible by google translate! :) )
2 replies
This doesn't actually sound like broken Czech, good job! Google translate usually makes it sound horrible :D
1 reply
August 1st, 2016
@Betka - My google translate trick is to translate it, then try translating it back to see if it comes back as a coherent sentence or if the grammar is really funny, in which case I assume the original translation might be bad.
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