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How do you celebrate Halloween?

User Profile: tommy
tommy October 29th, 2023


How do (or did!) you celebrate Halloween?

Do you buy lots of tasty treats, spend a quiet night in, go trick or treating, have a special meal or perhaps you don't do anything special at all? Let us know about it! 

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 October 30th, 2023


Halloween is year-round for me, but I love to dress up and go out and just be among the festivities. I also have to partake in all of my favorite pumpkin/fall-esque ritual foods.

User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo October 30th, 2023

In my neighbourhood it's a really big deal. It's not just a one-day event. If I were healthier I would do more than I do.

So far this year I have gone to a Treat Accessible Halloween Village (inclusive trick or treating event), a haunted house, walked to check out decorations during daylight and at nighttime (including music playin g on the street and people blending in their their decorations and jumping out). I have an Accessible Trick or Treating sign up on my lawn to indicate I am limiting barriers for trick or treating tomorrow. I will still be carving a pumpkin (well my husband will do the knife work on that) and roasting seeds. We usually just decorate for the one day, plus leave a few things out overnight. Most of our decorations are light so can get blown around if it's really windy. I expect to be handing out a lot of treats tomorrow! Hopefully I can also check out some of the chaos on the busiest street in the city for trick or treating (I am happy it's not my street!). The night will end with a bit of candy overindulging, warming myself up and trying to ease the pain and soreness as it is a physical stressor.

As a kid I loved trick or treating, when older went to quite a few dances and parties and I was even a co-organizer for a large event.

User Profile: BeCreative1967
BeCreative1967 October 30th, 2023

Well, first of all, we don't have a Halloween tradition in Germany. We have a bank holiday tomorrow in northern Germany (Reformationstag) and on Wednesday (Allerheiligen) in southern Germany.

But I have still some sweets at home - sometimes some kids come around (normally too young to trick)

I have carved a pumpkin, because I love the light, and I also have some pumpkins at home because they make lovely meals.

Still tomorrow I have to delegate the treating, because I will be at a latin American concert - still googling the correct makeup for the Dias de los mortes ;-) .

So, quite international ;-) But it could be noted, that everywhere I look, the have some Samhain tradition (said as me as a white witch ;-) 

Enjoy yourself, whatever you do, and do take time for some introspection!