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ludossas March 23rd, 2023

Hey I am New here and want to make some friends. If you want it too message me :)

Simpleboy28 March 24th, 2023

I can be ur friend.

calmMango9611 March 29th, 2023

@Simpleboy28 Hi there. My name is calmMango. I just wanted to let you know, that here at 7cups, we have Group Support Rooms. In those rooms, members support members. Some, come looking for support. Here is the link, to our chatrooms, just in case: Here is the link to our community calendar: https://www.7cups/connect/home/#collapse-card-communitycalendar

darkMango9191 April 22nd, 2023

@calmMango9611 hullo, i am darkMango9191

JackieMan March 24th, 2023

@ludossas We are all already your friends :)

purplemango62 March 29th, 2023

@ludossas I would love to be your friend! I think I really need one too :)

empathicPanda9436 March 29th, 2023

welcome to 7 cups @ludossas we are all here to support you and i can be your friend as well😊

calmMango9611 March 29th, 2023

@ludossas Welcome to 7cups. We are so glad to have you here. Here at 7cups, we have Group Support Rooms. In those rooms, members support members. Some members come looking for support. Here is the link to our chatrooms, just in case: Here is the link, to our community calendar: Also, just wanted to point this out, members cannot send messages to other members. It is for safety reasons. Per the site rules, we cannot have any offsite contact. It is to keep us safe. Here at 7cups, your safety matters.

purpleCoconut4101 March 29th, 2023

Hey we can be friends im a female as well.

GentleStrength22 March 29th, 2023

@ludossas Hey, I want to make friends too.

Healingbeams March 30th, 2023

@ludossas welcome to 7 cups , we all are here for your support and yes feel free to reach out to me anytime by messaging me we are your 7cups friends 😊

sociableCucumber4742 March 31st, 2023

hi ludo

nnylecojMC April 3rd, 2023

Hi I would love to be your friend :D

RubyWatson April 5th, 2023

@ludossas interested. Msg me 😊

Rayofsunshine80 April 14th, 2023

Hi honey everyone needs at least one friend . I would not mind being a friend to you. Just be cautious on here but don't be to suspicious. Take it slow before making friends with strangers. Good luck

bear772 April 14th, 2023


BUSYATHOME April 14th, 2023


EchoicEternity April 19th, 2023


Same! Would love to make a friend or two on this platform. Message me if you’re interested :)

toughDime2036 April 19th, 2023


amicableScarf8436 April 20th, 2023

@ludossas, we can be friends , lmk

reservedCoconut4194 April 20th, 2023

Hi I would love to be your friend

Guy123123 April 22nd, 2023

Hello! I am also new and looking for friends. :)

darkMango9191 April 22nd, 2023

Hi, people will always be very nice on 7 cups, friends are always there for u :)