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I'm Not Really Sure if This is the Place for This. However, Someone Needs to Care. #Fortheloveofthewaterfowl

TheBoxingGoldfish June 9th, 2016

Recently, I posted in my own feed about a serious issue facing waterfowl such as ducks, geese, and swans. However, this post didn't get much feedback. Because of this, I decided to come here about it. People keep feeding waterfowl bread, and it is creating some serious problems. Actually, the practice of feeding waterfowl anything is creating serious problems. If you or anyone in your community still does this, please inform them that it's very unhealthy for the birds. Contact your local parks if you can, and tell them to put signs up that warn people of the dangers of this unsafe practice. At the very least, please mention that feeding waterfowl bread is especially bad if you can't get people to stop feeding the waterfowl altogether. Here are some sources that verify what I'm saying. Thank you for your time! :)

Six things you didn't know you could feed ducks | Canal & River Trust

Feeding ducks, Ngā Manu reserve – Birdwatching – Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand


June 9th, 2016


Wow, I never knew about this before! Thank you for sharing this information! heart

mimameid June 9th, 2016

@TheBoxingGoldfish Thank you for taking the time to spread awareness about this issue! It's important others know how their actions affect wildlife.

TheBoxingGoldfish OP June 10th, 2016

@mimameid Definitely, I just want more people to be informed about it. I know it's something that a lot of people don't really think is harmful. For the longest time, I thought it wasn't harmful. However, while I was looking up some information on ducks, I came across the BBC artilcle I linked. It got me more into researching this issue.

TheBoxingGoldfish OP June 10th, 2016

@TheBoxingGoldfish Whoops, I meant article!

TransAm85 June 9th, 2016

Does this pertain to exoctic birds also? I have a macaw parrot and she likes to eat bread and tortillas and fries sometimes ..

TheBoxingGoldfish OP June 10th, 2016

@TransAm85 Hmm, I'm frankly no expert on macaws. However, I found this article by the Florida parrot rescue about making something called "bird bread" as a treat for parrots It mentioned that "bread mixes such as corn meal mixes or mixes which involve white flour" weren't very healthy for birds. I'll link the article below. Hopefully it offers some sort of help to you.

Recipes - Florida Parrot Rescue

amerespeck June 10th, 2016

@TheBoxingGoldfish This is very Informative, Thank you heart

TheBoxingGoldfish OP June 10th, 2016

@amerespeck No problem, I just wanted to make sure people had more information about this. :)