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self love

BlueCup55 July 24th, 2022

How would your life change if you released all things out of your control?

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FurryEmpath July 24th, 2022

@BlueCup55 that's a good question.

PTlebanon94 July 25th, 2022

For sure there will be a big difference

Dallady July 25th, 2022

Whoa. That’s a lot to consider


chocolateSmores July 25th, 2022

it will go down spiral

sulpeachgyu7045 July 25th, 2022

@BlueCup55 things could go in so many ways...

RoadLessTraveled July 25th, 2022

I needed to read this today. I would definitely not feel so powerless to anxiety by giving anxiety so much control by letting things I cannot control control me. I will not let things I cannot control control me.

EmbStitcher33 July 25th, 2022

Depends on what aspect of my life I'm trying to control...

I can't control the weather, so I can let that go by being prepared for bad weather.

I can't control other people's reactions to me, I can only control my reactions to them.

I can't make everybody love me in my I love those, and pay attention to those who really matter to me - those who love me.

The news is crazy, we live in horrible turmoil, storms, heat, politics... can't really put my head in the sand. I'm not that kind of person. I can make sure my own world is filled with clarity and peace. We are all connected somehow to this vast Universe. I can control what I send out to the Universe, or at least do my best to send out positive vibes, thoughts prayers whenever I can. If I can't do anything else, I can choose not to add to the chaos.

I'm growing old. . . I understand that a lot of people never get the privilege to grow old. I Make each day count. I believe that this life is not the only journey.

Congrats on joining the CDM program!! Hope it goes well for you!! 😊

WhenTheTimeComes July 25th, 2022


This is very exactly what I've been trying to figure out how to achieve.

July 25th, 2022

@BlueCup55 What an interesting question!

I think that when we are holding on to the things that we cannot change, we are effectively reducing our own efficiency.

Our energy gets divided into all the things that we wanna change.

If, somehow, we reduce our focus to just one thing that we can change, we are more likely to see desired results and progress faster in that direction

MoonLightShadow423 July 25th, 2022

Sit back and watch the show. Another lesson learning experience.

Derekfan7695 July 25th, 2022

Move to a warmer place 😁

Torean July 25th, 2022


It's complicated.

It's important to let things go, and focus on the things that are in your power. The things that help you be happy and grow.

But I also hold on to things that are out of my control in a different way. I learn about them, and hold on to that information like a bulldog.

I feel like it's important for me to be ready to lead things into a different direction, at any given time, at all times. Everything, everything at all, is honestly a temporary situation. If something feels wrong, it might be because you're already above it. Hold on to that too, because that's one of the main things that can help you let it go and be your best self in our ever-changing temporary situation. This is at least how I'm trying to think lately.

Luna268 July 25th, 2022

I would learn to be happy by taking the chance to see all I have been holding back from experiencing. But some things I would love to keep in control. Finding the right balance would be nice.

purpleSea7109 July 25th, 2022

Run and hide in a cardboard or just walking around like penguin maybe.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 25th, 2022

@purpleSea7109 Sounds awesome, can I join please? 😮


purpleSea7109 July 26th, 2022


Yes sure anytime. I am for you.Xx

NewYorker11 July 25th, 2022


if i released all things out of my control, i think that i would lose focus on progression in life and alot of things could and would drastically change.

SirenOfSerenity July 25th, 2022


There would be much more peace and liberation

LovingPeacefulHeart July 25th, 2022


I would be so less anxious and I would have SO much more energy to put in to the things and people I love rather that worrying about things I can't control. Anxiety and worrying uses up a ton of our energy.

versatileLake2802 July 25th, 2022

I mean I would be calmer but life would be kind of boring without most of the things I can't control

TeenyTinyAppy July 25th, 2022

If I released all things that are out of my control I would have less stress that I can't do anything about.

TheBPDBaddie July 25th, 2022

@BlueCup55 I definitely would have significantly less anxiety in my life! Trying to figure out how to do this every single day...

Sadlibrarian July 26th, 2022

Less anxiety, more relaxed, more energy so more productive, would probably sleep better too. My anxiety comes mostly from worrying about things I can’t control, I know that, but HOW do I release it, that is the question!

FaithfulPrune9638 July 26th, 2022


How would your life change if you released all things out of your control?

I feel like if I could release all things that I could not control, which means accepting things I cannot change, I probably would be a lot calmer and more focused with myself.

agreeableTurtle1021 July 26th, 2022

That’s actually already the direction I’m heading :-) and it’s amazing and liberating and a lot more peaceful. Praise God!

RainbowRosie July 26th, 2022

Initially it would change a great deal, they’d be many feelings and emotions I’d have to go through. That said, with everything I’ve learned I know I would manage and be ok.

intelligentWind3206 July 26th, 2022

am just learning to apply this to my life over the past few weeks

There are many things I cannot control and I am learning that not focusing on things I cannot control, and focusing on the things I do have control; over