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Team Space for Collaborative Discussions/Problem Solving

SoulfullyAButterfly July 23rd, 2021

Hi everyone,

Please use this space to mention any confusions (e.g. whether an answer is fit for approval) in this thread.

All team members are encouraged to subscribe to this space and reply to any doubts posted if they can!

AffyAvo July 24th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly In the past we were told to not approve answers that include links. Is that still a guideline?

SoulfullyAButterfly OP July 24th, 2021

@AffyAvo yes we can keep that guideline - I will add it to the guide as well -. Thanks!

rebecca947 July 24th, 2021

I'm new to this and didn't see it in the guide- I'm sorry! I did approve one that had a link to it.

AffyAvo July 25th, 2021

@rebecca947 That's ok! There have been changes over time with the Q&A, so there's always been inconsistencies. The links weren't allowed before to reduce the need to verify if they safe plus the Q&As show up in search engines to bring people to 7 cups, So once they are here I think we want to avoid them leaving the site right away with an offsite link.
I'm sure there are quite a few answers that were approved with links at one point! I think I wrote answers with links myself years ago.

rebecca947 July 28th, 2021


In relation to this, where do app suggestions fit in? Are they allowed?

SnailPurple July 24th, 2021


I'm hesitant to approve due to the second to last sentence, specifically the use of the word weird. Is the sentence a bit judgemental, or am I overthinking this?

SnailPurple July 24th, 2021


I'm not sure if this answer is fit for approval. What do you all think?

AffyAvo July 24th, 2021

@SnailPurple Looks ike they are both dealt with already.

rebecca947 July 25th, 2021

239883- extremely long and has a link. Not sure if there is a limit to how long an answer could be? It feels to me that Q&A would be shorter versions of what could be a full forum post?

rebecca947 July 25th, 2021

239887- seems like it could be a good answer, just unsure of what they mean by "showing up the characteristics of depression". Could anybody explain? I'm hesitant to approve or reject.

rebecca947 July 25th, 2021

239895- I might be sounding a bit too picky, I'm not sure. Just want to clarify- is it alright for people to label genders? Labelling doctor as "he" only seems like it could be off-putting to some.

SnailPurple July 25th, 2021


Technically, gendering the doctor is grammatically correct. If you want to use pronouns and are unsure about gender, you are supposed to use 'he' or 'she' :)

rebecca947 July 25th, 2021


Pronouns- that was the word I couldn't think of! Thanks. So we would accept the answer? Just to be 100% certain!

SnailPurple July 25th, 2021


I think it looks good :)

theriverissinging July 30th, 2021

@SnailPurple @rebecca947 Not a part of the team but just stumbled upon this. No one gets to assume anybody's gender or pronouns. Please use they/them/theirs (yes, it's grammatically correct) wherever there's no gender or pronoun stated. Off-putting to me and I think a lot of people who use pronouns other than he/she. If you wish to discuss more about this, my PMs are open. Thanks. ❤️

SnailPurple July 30th, 2021


I know they/them/theirs is grammatically correct when referring to a singular person, I was just repeating what I learned during my grammar unit of English and ACT tutoring. In the situation Rebecca was referring to, the person was talking about a hypothetical doctor and used masculine pronouns. No one's gender was being assumed :) Thanks for responding and helping out though! /gen /nm :)

theriverissinging July 31st, 2021

@SnailPurple that's understandable. /pc I'd still prefer they/them anyway though because why would a hypothetical doctor necessarily be referred with he/him, but, okay. ❤️

AffyAvo July 31st, 2021

@theriverissinging I think there are regional differences with that, with some places adopting they/them quicker than others.
As an example I knew the phrase:
To each their own
In other places, the phrase is known as To each his own
I think maybe when I was young I heard the latter one, but by the time it was something I would actually use (because elementary aged kids aren't typically saying it!), regionally it had switched to the former.

I agree, they/them is ideal, but in this situation when the answer writer can't ask pronoun preference I think it may be reasonable to not edit the answer.

theriverissinging July 31st, 2021

@AffyAvo of course, I agree, it makes sense to not edit the answer. Inclusivity is all I wanted to address. /nm

rebecca947 July 25th, 2021


Again, I might be ridiculously picky. Just an FYI! When someone asks a question such as "Why does my head hurt so much" about a past relationship, how should an answer be written?
"it may be because..." "In my experience, it was because..." or "It is because..."?
Do we accept the last one "It is because..."?

AffyAvo July 28th, 2021

@rebecca947 With the last one, if there is a list, possibly, if it's sounds like only 1 possible reason, I wouldn't.approve.

rebecca947 July 28th, 2021

because just for me, it sounds like they're making answer a fact when it's all just opinion-based...

AffyAvo July 28th, 2021

@rebecca947 Yeah, I agree. If it's a list it would be ideal if it was stated as possibilities, with just one though it sounds much more like a definite answer!

rebecca947 July 25th, 2021


I've left this for a second opinion. Whoever marks as approved or rejected, please let me know your thoughts!

(For my own memory. Q: how do I stop missing my ex? A: find hobbies that make you forget about them)

rebecca947 July 25th, 2021


Says "A study found..." but doesn't say what study or by who. Is this acceptable or not?

rebecca947 July 27th, 2021

240169- links aren't allowed, so are usernames of other therapists on Instagram allowed?

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 31st, 2021

I don't think these should be allowed 😮 could be a promotional activity which is not allowed on cups @rebecca947

@soulfullyabutterfly , what do you say ?

AffyAvo July 28th, 2021

If a question has been approved that shouldn't have been, what do we do with the pending answers?

Hypothetical question: I don't like myself.
There is no question, and it's hard to know if a question would be I don't like myself, is this normal?
I don't like myself, how do I change that?

The answers have to assume what the question is.

SnailPurple July 28th, 2021


I've been wondering that too. I noticed one of the questions about self-harm was a bit graphic, and I'm not sure what to do about the answers

SoulfullyAButterfly OP July 30th, 2021

@AffyAvo @SnailPurple - what are your ideas on a solution?

Can you check if the Question Page itself has "published answers"? If not/even then we can try to 1) Edit the question 2) Consider removal/rejection

AffyAvo July 30th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly Ideally, the questions would be editted, or in some cases that Q&A question removed altogether.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP July 30th, 2021

@AffyAvo I agree please inform me if you ever spot a question that matches this presentation.

AffyAvo July 31st, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly Ok, will watch for them and note them!

rebecca947 July 28th, 2021


I'm not sure about this one. Sounds like it could be a good answer but also could be phrased better? Phrased less as a personal reason and more of a "There could be many reasons, but these reasons are from my own experience. Maybe yours is similar" way? Am I being too picky?

AffyAvo July 30th, 2021

@rebecca947 Sorry, missed this when it was there. Based on what you wrote though, I would approve, as long as it goes back to the question asked. Previously, personal experiences were valued as part of the answer, so I assume that's still the case.

rebecca947 July 31st, 2021

Thank you ❤️

AffyAvo July 31st, 2021

Seeing some of the editting suggestions, I think there are differences in how we do things.

These answers are being attributed to others - if something needs a great deal of editting, sentence structures reworked, etc. I reject it.
I approve things with reasonable amounts of slang, mintor gramatical errors. If it's commonly used, even if it isn't proper English, it goes through.

Leave for editting - spelling errors, more glaring grammatical errors that are simple fixes, has something that needs to be removed.

Is the goal to have a variety of fairly good even if not perfectly written answers, or are we trying to get the answer content more polished?

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 3rd, 2021

@AffyAvo I wouldn't say that we need extremely polished answers because the community guidelines for submission in itself are very standard/brief and everyone does have a style. would you like to tag the team so everyone is on the same page?

lyricalAngel70 August 19th, 2021

Recently, I have come across answers with minor grammatical errors such as typing or spelling mistakes with 1 or 2 words. I did approve them as they were accurately written as per the guidelines. I reject/leave answers that have a lot of grammatical errors, are irrelevant, chaotic, and aren't answering the question.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP August 19th, 2021

@lyricalAngel70 thank you