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All Aboard the Gratitude Express: Come In And Share Your Joyful Moments

PetiteSouris July 30th

Howdy Content Development and Marketing Community‼️

This is my final post for the Content and Development Marketing "5 forum posts" elective requirement. I wanted it to be a meaningful one. I brainstormed for quite a while and considered writing about Motivational Interviewing, especially since I’m taking a course on it. But after some reflection, I thought, "Nah, too boring, Souris‼ "

Yesterday, I was feeling overwhelmed with an outpouring of thanks. A mentee of mine sent me this message:

"Hi Petite, I want to let you know that I appreciate all that you are doing, not only for me but also for the 7Cups community. Because of what you are doing, lots of us are growing."

Wow! It was the most heartwarming message ever!

So today, grab your tea🫖, coffee☕️, or water💦 because we’re diving into something truly uplifting. Today, we’re going to talk about ❤︎GRATITUDE❤︎- it makes us feel better and spreads positivity all around. So let's celebrate what we are thankful for and ✨shine a light on our Joyful Moments


Here are THREE ways to Shine a Light on Your Joyful Moments:

1. Celebrate Your Wins- I am participating in a Fitness study with a research university and I was given a coach to help me along the way. Often times, I feel as if I haven't  made any progress. And he reminds me, "Hey! However small, celebrate the things which brought you joy." So I challenge you, What are some things that made you 🙂smile🙃 recently? 

2. Spotlight on People- If you didn't skip to this part, then you've read how grateful I felt reading my mentees comment to me. I gave them a Shout-Out🔊, didn't I? Give a shout-out to someone who  has made a positive impact in your life. It can even be the waiter at your "go to restaurant" who always remembers your name. ☺︎

3. Memorable Photos- I love to stop and take photos when I go on hikes, sometimes it could be just a leaf🍃. I would stop to admire it. Do you have a snapshot which conveys a moment of joy? Post it here! If not share a GIF which makes you happy, [look for the wand🪄when you reply to add on a GIF].

To Get Us Started, Here is My Gratitude List: 


Im super grateful for the rainy days we have been having in my neck of the woods. I got the opportunity to spend countless hours watching the hummingbirds in my backyard fight over feeders. 


Shout-out to you‼️ Yes, you‼️ 

You have been reading my posts and participating. Your kindness didn't go unnoticed. I planned this entire post with you in mind.

Thank you so much for supporting me❣️


I am thankful for moments I get to spend in nature: this tree looks like it's practicing yoga. You can't see from this view, but it has "two legs". I like to imagine it is in 🐍cobra🐍 pose. 


Now it's your turn! Shine a Light on Your Joyful Moments!

What is making you grateful today? 


Im ready, with my cup🍵 of  ginger🫚 and pineapple tea🍍, to read all your posts! 

@coolvibes @clarisse29 @delightfulunicorn29 @positivelyluna333 @lolaa9 @daydreammemories @hollytail @fifaadict123 @meenakshi29 @fifaadict123 @liveloveforgive @heather225 @soulfullybutterfly @train1

This post is brought to you by the Content Development & Marketing Program. Find out more information about the program here

Heather225 July 30th


i am eternally grateful for the existence of this community and for people like you who nurture it with these beautiful interactive posts. thank you! (also good taste on the ginger pineapple tea and rainy day appreciation!)

PetiteSouris OP July 31st


We have a gem of a community here with the most loving persons

And on behalf of everyone, we are grateful to have you here too


positivelyLuna333 July 30th

Today I am grateful for landscapes: I’m currently in the mountains on vacation and I’m from a flat beach state. It’s fascinating and breathtaking to see the difference in horizons.

A beautiful post as always, congrats on finishing the elective!! 🥳

PetiteSouris OP July 31st


Nature is always a reason to be grateful. Have fun on your vacay! 


Thank you for the compliments on my forum posts. 

MxdnightFaerie July 31st


Hello! Today, I am forever grateful for my friends! I realized I cherish the moments of us playing together or chatting together so much and just for the opportunity to have and meet such wonderful people in my life. To be surrounded by such loving and caring people that I can learn and grow with is something I hold very dearly to my heart!

Congrats on finishing the elective Souris!🍓🎀

PetiteSouris OP July 31st


From reading your words, I feel the bond that you share with your friends. 


Having a support system is important. 

Thank you for your compliments✨ I am enjoying the CDM Program. 

coolvibes July 31st

@PetiteSouris Today I am earnestly grateful for a working air-conditioner. I am grateful for my fury companions and for all the people that have made a difference in my life.

PetiteSouris OP July 31st


✨I appreciate you shinning light on the Joyful Moments in your life!✨

✨The fury pals can keep cool with the AC!✨

✨Are they dogs or cats?✨


coolvibes July 31st

@PetiteSouris dogs ❤️

PetiteSouris OP July 31st



Clarisse29 July 31st

@PetiteSouris i love how much effort you put into every single post! this is a lovely one!

PetiteSouris OP July 31st


🥰 Thank you 🥰


✨Im grateful for your encouragement✨

lolaa9 July 31st

I am grateful for the days that have passed without any negative feelings, and I am grateful to everyone who supported me psychologically, and you are one of them, and I am grateful to everyone who has a good heart and treats people with kindness

PetiteSouris OP July 31st


✨Love that you have are surrounded by supportive people✨


✨May you continue to have positive days.✨ 

PetiteSouris OP July 31st


I am grateful that I was able to contribute to your growth. 


Gargi07 August 1st


Today, I'm most grateful for visiting the library. The quiet, the smell of books, and the endless rows of knowledge felt like home to me. It's crazy how much I love books; they are my escape, my adventure, and my solace all in one, my everything. I actually cried when I saw so many books lol—happy tears, of course. I can't control myself and my emotions around books. This is how much they have control over me and how much I love them. Being surrounded by so many stories and possibilities made me feel so alive and excited. It's like I got my home, my family, and my comfort all in one place.

Here a pic too- 


TreaureSeekers3 August 1st

@Gargi07 that’s nice. What shops that? Is it UK? I like reading too. Like books. Know the feeling. It’s nice to have good book. Many. 

Gargi07 August 1st


Hehe yeahhh frr and no it's not uk it's India 

TreaureSeekers3 August 1st

@Gargi07 is it WaterStones

Gargi07 August 1st


Yeah I guess 

PetiteSouris OP August 1st


Hey Twin‼ Books are everything‼ 


I ❤︎ that you love books and they bring you joy‼ 


[This is a photo I took sometime this year, of me starting the day with my gratitude journal, at the library] 


I ❤︎ the library and books too. I have some books that I requested at my library (literally across the street from my place) and they are waiting for me to pick up, I'll do that today! 

What is your favorite book?


Gargi07 August 1st


Omgggggggg I love the journal and heyyyyyyyy twinyyyy book's are everything fr🌻🤍🌻🤍but I can't choose one as a fav lol

Tinywhisper11 August 1st

@PetiteSouris today I'm most grateful for icecream😋 and 7 cups ❤ and the sunrise, and coffee 😋 and my 3 little piggies, and evrrrrything ❤❤img-20240710-024407-4-kindlephoto-1074411191_1722490158.jpgimg-20240629-044554-8-kindlephoto-1074485969_1722490182.jpgimg-20240617-042334-1-kindlephoto-1074517122_1722490268.jpg

PetiteSouris OP August 1st



OMG‼️ Those pictures are way too sweet‼️ Thank you for sharing them with us‼️

Extremely adorable❣️

Tremendously lovely things to be grateful for❣️

What kind of ice-cream is it❓

Tinywhisper11 August 1st

@PetiteSouris it's white flavour icecream😋

PetiteSouris OP August 1st



🍦Yummy Enjoy your ice-cream🍦

I like Cold-stone's sweet cream. It is  all I get when I got there


peachDay8184 August 1st

@PetiteSouris I'm grateful for my friends and family. I can't count how many times I've shared laughter with them.

PetiteSouris OP August 1st



📢Big Shout-out to your family and friends📢

Wishing you all many happy times together filled with infinite laughter


Max100587 August 1st

All is pain.

Im so tired of it.

TreaureSeekers3 August 1st

@Max100587 hugs. Why

Max100587 August 1st

@TreaureSeekers3 Cause I have been demolished. Publicaly humiliated. Treated like garbage. I don't have anything left. Nothing to look foreward to. I am ruined.

August 1st


Hugs to you. Sorry that you were treated unfairly. Hope your situation gets better soon.Souris made such a lovely post for us, What is something for which you are grateful for today? 

Max100587 August 2nd

@Sicklescaler Nothing. I am so miserable. And there is no ways to solve my problem.

August 2nd


at the end of a dead end road, huh? 

PetiteSouris OP August 1st


Pain sounds as if it's causing some discomfort and difficulty for you. 


If you need to chat about it some more you can reach out to me or another listener in  a PM. 

🫂 Take Care till then 🫂

YouShallBeFine August 1st

I am finally able to follow a routine. It was hard getting up and trying to live...yet, feeling better and hopeful recently. I am proud of myself for managing my emotions happy my body and mind were around!

Someone who I should be grateful to should be the 10m Men's Air Rifle Winner→ Sheng LiHao. His composure and belief in himself made me passionate to finally challenge the biggest obstacle of my life...maybe this year...I might win.

A picture that I am grateful for... Was a click I captured in 2019. Simple picture... Just some clouds scattered all over and ready to pour... I had clicked that pic when things were quite messy for me... And I happened to have an internal fight with God... Yet, somehow after that picture... I felt peace. And surprisingly... The sky was never filled with massive clouds and it was a sunny day! I wonder how the camera captured such rainy clouds when it was nowhere in sight... I smiled after seeing it... Believing it to be one of God's miracles... It is a treasured picture of mine..I love you God!

PetiteSouris OP August 1st



I felt every word in your writing, beautiful storytelling and very creative. Maybe I am wrong, but I felt as if you are connected very well with your inner-self and ultimately with God. Such a blessing to have captured those ☁️clouds☁️ though they weren't there. 

Shot out to Shang LiHao for inspiring you!!! Did he win an Olympic🏅 Gold? Now, I want to see him perform!!

Keep celebrating your wins! Having a routine is a big deal!!!


YouShallBeFine August 3rd

Aah...yes. He won a gold in both- Mixed and Individual. In fact the first Gold of Olympics was his in the mixed 10 m Air Rifle. ð¥°

Fifaadict123 August 1st

I am extremely grateful to have you as my listener ! Also I am grateful to be with my family and friends. I am grateful to for being healthy and I can practice my sport. I am grateful for the progress I’ve made with my mental health and the positive impact this community has on me

PetiteSouris OP August 1st


Im proud of you, and all the great strides that you are making 


Thank you for the compliment. It has made my entire day joyful!

Im smiling a lot, right now
