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Birdwatching: Hummingbirds and Mental Health

PetiteSouris July 22nd

When Spring comes along, and the leaves of many trees begin to emerge. Immediately I am overjoyed because my hummer friends will visit my backyard. This year marks the fourth Spring of placing feeders filled with sweet nectar for migrating hummingbirds. From Spring time to early Fall, I love to sit outside and watch them with great joy. One may wonder if I am seeing hummingbirds for the very first time, because often I am gazing at the hummingbirds in astonishment. In those moments, I am greatful to have these amazing birds in my yard  year after year. I appreciate their presence, not contemplating how many flowers they have visited or how many times they beat their wings.

         I found that caring for the hummingbirds while they are in my backyard to be therapeutic. Little did I know at that time, that birdwatching is beneficial to mental health. A study published in Scientific Reports found that seeing or hearing birds improved mental well being for up to eight hours. In the study about 1,300 participants used their cellphones to log when they see or hear a bird. Many persons in this particular study, with and without mental health conditions noticed improvements in their moods during the encounters with the birds. There are also numerous other studies with findings in support of bird watching as a coping skill for mood improvement and mental health. 

        Now that you have read about my therapeutic experiences with hummingbirds, and  how birdwatching has been linked to improved the moods, I would like to know:

1. If you have bird watched before, what was the experience like for you?

2. If you have not, would you be intersted in bird watching. Where can you bird watch in your neighborhood? 

3. If you are not interested in birdwatching, which coping skills do you use daily?

4. What do you know about hummingbirds?


Fascinating Facts about Hummingbirds

✔︎Their heart is the largest relative to all other animals.

✔︎Their metabolism is 100 times that of an elephant.

✔︎They can enter a state of inactivity called torpor; the birds reduce their body temperature to conserve energy.

✔︎The iridescence of hummingbird feathers is a result of prism-like microstructures that fragment light into components of the spectrum, by a process of absorption and angle of light.

Source: "Smart-phone based ecological momentary assessment reveals mental health benefits of birdlife",  Hammoud, Ryan et, al,


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July 22nd


Thank you for sharing your experiences. I would like to watch birds in my backyard, and I think it is an insightful idea. I think that for me, being at the beach is also a great coping skills. Maybe next time I will listen for the birds while there. 

PetiteSouris OP July 22nd


Yes, please go birdwatching in your backyard and return to let us know how it impacted your mood. Id be glad to know your experiences. Thank you for commenting. 


July 22nd


I will definitely do so and I enjoyed this post. 

positivelyLuna333 July 22nd

This is a beautifully written and fascinating post! Every morning for the past week, I have sat outside with my journal and coffee, watching the migrating hummingbirds fly to our hummingbird feeders. It brings me such peace to see them hover before me, moving at such speeds that I think they are not real at times. The beauty of nature is breathtaking, and it’s beautiful to now know the beautiful effect it has on my mental health as well. Thank you for sharing this!

PetiteSouris OP July 22nd


Thank you for your kind comments and Woah! Pure joy to hear that you are also enjoying having  hummer friends around. I am glad that there are people on 7cups who are finding it very peaceful. Isn't it so relaxing! Thats the daily worries away!




Thanks for sharing and mention me

1. If you have bird watched before, what was the experience like for you?

It well be nice to watch bird around, bring joy and happiness  , seeing a life bird can be sign of good luck 

4. What do you know about hummingbirds?

I know it is a beautiful bird move his wings quickly, not live in my country 

PetiteSouris OP July 22nd



It warms my heart to know that bird watching brings joy into your life. Listening to birds can really improve our moods! Amazing, isn't it? Hoping that one day, you will be able to travel to a country where you can watch hummingbirds. I feel that you will enjoy watching them. 



Yes , that will be amazing 

lolaa9 July 22nd

Thanks for these interesting information, I have known about them for the first time from you.

I think that I haven't seen hummingbirds before, really I want to see them

Last days I thought about buy birds and care for them I will consider this post as a sign to do it

PetiteSouris OP July 22nd



My wish is that you get to experience these regal birds one day. Yay, pet birdies sounds exciting! What kind of birds are you thinking about getting?

lolaa9 July 22nd

I wish that too ♡

I may get canary birds or when I go,I will choose what I like there

PetiteSouris OP July 22nd


Best wishes as a pet owner. I would love to see pictures of your birds when you get them


lolaa9 July 22nd

Thank you. I will send you pictures of them for sure when I get them â¡ï»¿

Hollytail July 22nd

@PetiteSouris Thank you for sharing! I had been thinking of participating in bird-watching (I mean being a member of those well-organized teams) for years but still haven't been so. I really like ravens I think they are so special and I always stop to stare at them the I met them on the road.

PetiteSouris OP July 22nd



I didn't know that there are profession bird watching organizations! From my getting lost for hours watching birds, I can see why such organizations exist. It's good that you stop to observe the ravens; they are indeed intriguing birds. Hope that they bring you happiness and elevated moods!!

Lou73 July 22nd

Thanks for the lovely post @PetiteSouris

1. If you have bird watched before, what was the experience like for you? 

As some of you will know, I love birdwatching. They are just so sweet and it's relaxing being in nature and I find joy in identifying and 'collecting' birds 🦅
2. If you have not, would you be interested in bird watching. Where can you bird watch in your neighborhood? 

I'm very grateful to have a garden full of trees and hedges for the birds as well as local woodland and green spaces.

We don't have hummingbirds here (although I would love to see one someday) but I did get a brilliant view of a kingfisher flying along the river this weekend which was amazing! 


PetiteSouris OP July 22nd



I didn't know that you love bird watching, and Im excited to learn more from you. Perhaps I can improve myself as I am enjoying this hobby of mine in my backyard too. Did you take that picture? Just, woah! Thank you for sharing this beautiful shot of the kingfisher!!!!! That bird is amazingly splendid. I must now read more about kingfishers. They are not in my neighborhood, just as hummers are not near you. But from sharing, we get to learn more birds, and various species in the world. 


Lou73 July 22nd

@PetiteSouris I would be more than happy to talk about birds anytime 😂😍🦅 

And I wish I took that but no it's just a gif from tenor haha but yes they are beautiful birds and it's so interesting to learn about other birds around the world! 

There is another thread about spring/summer birds here:

And the big garden birdwatch: 

PetiteSouris OP July 24th

@Lou73, Ive subscribed to both threads, and read all the posts. Birds are certainly magical to me.  I want to add a short video of the hummers in the garden, to one of those threads. However, im not certain if I can do so as I dont think adding a long video to posts will feasible. 



Lou73 July 24th

@PetiteSouris Yay! 

and yeah I don't think videos are possible here but thanks for the cute bird gif 🥰🦅

Fifaadict123 July 22nd


I have not birdwatched ever before, I cannot say if I am interested or not I’ve never tried this kind of thing before I feel like I’d have to try it before I knock it. To cope I play video games and take hot showers to kind of leave reality I also try to sleep as much as I can . I do not know if it is healthy but it’s the only way I know how to cope. And I do not know anything about hummingbirds other than the fact that they hum 😂

PetiteSouris OP July 22nd


         Im glad to hear that your gaming brings you a lot of joy. I would like to try gaming sometime. I have a brand new unused Xbox. I was never good with video games, and I give up early trying to finish a game..What skills does one need to be a good gamer? Which gaming system do you use? I wonder if there are games with birds in it?


         I would like for you to get the opportunity someday to bird watch. Coming outside with feeders full of nectar, and the hummingbirds greeting me with great anticipation and joy, brings a smile to my face even when im having a bad day. They recognize me, and because very noisy when I come out with fresh nectar. Yes, you are right! They are called hummers because of the sound their wings make because they beat really fast. Here are some more fun facts about hummingbirds. 

Rizuemu000 July 29th


Whenever I’m in my balcony, I can see tons of pigeons, but that's about it—we don’t have many birds in the city. I haven’t really had the chance to go bird watching... i will try it out some day for sure tho

PetiteSouris OP July 29th



It appears to me that your balcony is a peaceful place. 

Watch pigeons is technically still bird watching. 

Pigeons are lovely to look at too, I rarely see them where I am 

And sounds like you have some planning to do, so that you can go bird watching one day.