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7) Writing with Expertise, Authority, and Trust

SoulfullyAButterfly February 26th, 2021

As discussed before, several best writing practices help ensure content that is valuable for awareness and support.

In this discussion, we will understand how to ensure quality content alongside best writing practices through incorporating expertise, authority, and trust within the content.


The internet is a primary place where users worldwide look for information and support. The topics searched up include those that fall into the health, safety, or financial domains. Consequently, false information or content that has quality problems such as those that violate best practices can be potentially damaging to significant levels thereby negatively impacting a user’s happiness, health, or wealth. To buffer this, the Google algorithm (and Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines) used to display top content pages considers factors that include: Expertise, Authority, and Trust to ensure protection from low-quality content. These factors are commonly known as EAT in short.

As mental health is part of the health domain and is a significant area searched, the EAT factors are vital to consider when developing content.

Since 2018, the EAT factors not only apply to a website’s main content pages but are also considered when reviewing the content creators (i.e. authors).

EAT and How To Incorporate EAT into Website Content:

  1. Expertise:

  • When considering the expertise factor for website content, expertise refers to the extent to which the website or organization is known and has the suitable credentials and any expertise supporting factors such as awards or external recognition.

  • Expert Content is Researched Based: consider stepping into the shoes of your audience and perform a keyword research whilst thinking about their needs. Through your keyword research, grasp why the audience has searched for those keywords (topics). Knowing the intent of the topic queried helps you guide content on solutions and helpful information that can not only meet but exceed the user’s needs.

  • Expert Content is Comprehensive yet Digestible: Try to ensure your content is simple and has good formatting, avoid confusing structures or things that are too difficult to understand unless you break down and explain difficult concepts.

  • Expert Content is Supplementary: After answering the main intent of a searcher’s query or possible needs regarding a content topic, supplement your content by thinking about further supporting/supplementary content that could further enhance and support the topic: this is when back-linking comes in handy! Audit your existing content and identify which of your published pages can be backlinks to the new content piece. Think of what further topics/content pieces can be branched from existing content and include them on your content development agenda.

  1. Authority

  • Authority refers to the ratings the website and its content get on the basis of genuine ratings as well as content relevance.

  • Authoritative Content is Cited: External pages rely upon and cite the content as their sources of information. Citations include external back-linking as well as mentions on the news or social media.

  • Authoritative Content is Widely Shared: This is where marketing can help boost the content to build authority. Content with authority is regularly and widely shared and mentioned across social media. Engagement efforts can help drive this factor.

  • A Wikipedia Page Boosts Authority: A Wikipedia page for the brand, organization, or even people in a company helps boost authority.

  • Brand Authority Matters: A signal to authority is when users search your brand name for their content needs.

  1. Trust

  • Trust refers to validity - a website can have validation pages such as an About Us page or other main pages. Trustworthiness is also determined through positive reviews and user support.

  • In terms of content, trust can be boosted through the inclusion of an author's biography as well as external sources being cited, especially if they are other authoritative sources.

Feel welcome to share your opinions on each of the EAT factors or ask any questions!


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

Happy900 February 26th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly I really enjoyed reading it. I learned a lot of new things from it.

blissart February 27th, 2021


Thanks for sharing yes

11820Read February 27th, 2021

I'm wondering about the supplementary stuff. Sure often it's good to refer people to other sources (such as "to find more about XXX, please check this link out); however, I think there are times when people are more interested in the short answer they're looking for, not a "whole encyclopedia article".

Thus, I believe that it's important we tailor each writing to the topic and purpose of the readers as well as the organisation's rubrics. For instance, the Advice page on 7Cups, which contains articles and tips written by experts, is a better fit for longer articles. However, in my personal opinion, the Q&A section on the same site is better for short answers.

Sometimes, users submit questions asking "how can I ...", and for this I don't think they are interested in knowing the reason behind their problem - they just want a list of tips. The same goes for questions like "why ..." or "what causes ...", and for this, I believe it's not necessary for us to provide tips. Instead of writing the whole "complete article" ourselves, it's more practical if we provide a link/article title/book title for supplementary materials on Q&A section - our readers may not have time to read our whole answer when they just want a short answer.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP February 27th, 2021

Great point and reflection - we mainly will be using EAT for the longer expert page articles! As for supplementing, that could just mean backlinking or ensuring we have different perspectives of a topic available as several pieces - often times, we can combine lots of factors to create multiple titles for possible articles.

kindLemonade July 17th, 2021


I also had questions about supplementing, thank you for asking and sharing your viewpoints ✨❤️

FinleyTews February 27th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly Thank you lots for sharing this interesting and helpful info. I'll try to incorporate it into my future works.

WendinCaring February 28th, 2021

@ SoulfullyAButterfly

Thanks for sharing.

Before writing, we need to do good resarch and enough prep work. We get to know what our readers are looking for. So we can write to help ease readers' pain points. In other words, it is like doing user experience designing.

March 2nd, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly Makes sense. A website that has more of EAT would be on top of google search. But still, if there were ways to determine or quantify the EAT parameters, it would be more helpful in understanding how it works.

MarinaLecubet November 10th, 2021


Of course it would be on top of Google's search result, it would be more credible. I guess it's the more you pay to have your stuff more visible the more notice you'l get. The more you have the more you get.

CaringBrit March 5th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly alot of helpful info ive never learned before I've definitely joined a course I needed to learn thanks no questions from me it was really clear and well written :) thanks

SynSavory March 7th, 2021


Thanks for sharing - what a helpful resource!

lyricalAngel70 March 14th, 2021


Thank you so much for these guidelines & pieces of information.

AnisiaCocanMA March 15th, 2021


I would like to know that most of what im reading on interenet is checking this list :)

azureOwl6812 March 22nd, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly EAT sounds very interesting !

A good acronym to remember the key principles to keep in mind while writing articles on this platform!

sunlightspirit March 22nd, 2021


This EAT "standard" is excellent information to remember when writing an article for online purposes. Thank you so much for sharing this. It truly is a great resource for any future writings whether it be here or anywhere online for that matter.

Clarisse29 April 5th, 2021


this was really informative thanks!

IceCream4IceCream April 21st, 2021


Would recommend Duck Duck Go as a less biased search engine btw.

IceCream4IceCream April 21st, 2021


Great Points!

1. We need to make sure people use reputed, reliable, and valid sources, especially now with Covid-19.
2. References are crucial! they show how well researched you are, and that you have evidence underlying your claims, providing support for the validity and reliability of your content.

unassumingFarm3602 May 19th, 2021


Thank you for this! Incredibly relevant information that's necessary to be kept in mind while writing all kinds of articles to ensure that they're well-researched and reliable...

Lugi123 May 20th, 2021

Thank you so much for this. The only part I wanted some extra input is about the backlinks. Can you give me an example on that?

SoulfullyAButterfly OP May 21st, 2021

@Lugi123 thanks for the question!

A back link helps connect existing resources/content to any new content, especially if we hyperlink our own content. For example, if I'm publishing a new article on the effects of low self-esteem, I can hyperlink/back-link a sentence:

While low self-esteem can lead to several challenges in our daily lives, boosting self-esteem is possible through various small steps that can lead to a greater improvement.

The back-link, in this case, is a recent article on how to boost self-esteem, we can, of course, add some pointers briefly into the above article but through this way, we can link up content and prove expertise.

Lugi123 May 23rd, 2021

Thank you! Now I understand better

DaisyDaph May 29th, 2021


This was a very informative read. I love the EAT concept and the importance of bringing expert, authoritative and truthworthy content to people.

Happy900 June 6th, 2021

@DaisyDaph Glad you found it useful.

blindHeart12 June 10th, 2021


Thank you for informaiton to keep in mind while reading article.

Saro007 June 14th, 2021


Very important qualities and guidance markers to keep in mind while writing the article! Thank you for highlighting it in this discussion. I have no questions right now but if I do I will be sure to write them here!

Creamyyy June 15th, 2021

Interesting and useful information. Thanks.

QS: is there anywhere we can see how Google has evaluated our content on the EAT parameter?

SoulfullyAButterfly OP June 17th, 2021

@Creamyyy Great question, in general Google does not disclose how the algorithm exactly works, though EAT is a great parameter to keep in mind especially for YMYL sites (including medical information/health-related ones) - a general fact is that EAT ratings are also determined by several algorithms so it is an important aspect regardless.

While Search Quality raters may manually review our EAT factors, they are not themselves a ranking factor yet they do determine quality content and so indirectly play a part in the ranking which is based on algorithms that are looking for certain content aspects - think of EAT elements necessary as for content design or content creation guidelines.

BlueTurtle5 June 18th, 2021

I like that the EAT acronym makes it easy to remember so one can always have these factors in mind when creating content. EAT your words before you post!

Happy900 June 28th, 2021

@Bluebottle Love your take on the EAT concept.
It was very funny.
EAT your words.
I do not think, that is what @SoulfullyAButterfly had in mind, for the EAT concept, however.
Maybe it is something to consider, for future CDM,Trainees/Students, however.
Just joking of course.
What did you learn today,from @SoulfullyAButterly, CDM Course?
Well we learn to EAT your words.
How do we do that?
I have no idea.
Please ask @Bluebottle or @SoulfullyAButterfly to teach you.
Oh, how I love Content Development.
It is really fun to do.
Welcome to the Content Development and Marketing Course, @Bluebottle.
We are so glad to have you here.
We hope you learn a lot.
We also hope you have some fun, as well.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP June 29th, 2021

@Happy900 Hi Happy, I think what @BlueTurtle5 was meaning was that we should check if all of our words i.e. content meets EAT before we launch/publish it Grinning with smiling eyes

BlueTurtle5 June 30th, 2021

Yep, that's what I meant :) Read and digest what we have written before putting it out into the world to make sure it meets the criteria set forth.

giggleBubbles6722 June 20th, 2021


mvpeng June 30th, 2021

@SoulfullyAButterfly I never knew this, this was really cool and helpful to learn.

Icecream2Day July 5th, 2021


I didn't know about this yet. It was very informative and interesting! Thanks for sharing

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 12th, 2021

This Is great , thankyou for sharing such helpful insights and information. Good to know how EAT standards help in filtering quality content .😊

kindLemonade July 17th, 2021


Wow, I have never heard of EAT before joining this course. It is very important to be aware of this when writing online contents.

Thank you for the notes. I'm also enjoying reading others queries and answers on this thread.

SoulfullyAButterfly OP July 17th, 2021

@kindLemonade thank you for this feedback!

sophiasanae July 18th, 2021


Oooh! Really interesting to know that a Wikipedia page boosts authority!

cuteeeezombieeee July 21st, 2021

Thanks for sharing tips on how we can incorporate EAT into our website content! I honestly didn't know any of this before joining the CDM course surprise