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6) Ensuring Best Writing Practices

SoulfullyAButterfly January 31st, 2021

After understanding the general requirements to keep in mind whilst submitting your content articles for 7 Cups publication, this discussion highlights some general writing tips to keep in mind when writing content that relates to mental health.

Things to Do:

  • Make sure the article is empathetic, kind, helpful & informative (it fulfills the reader who found it), empowering. Replace mental “illness” or “disease” with “condition” or “issue” and soften any other mental health stigma language that might pop up. This helps ensure that your tone is supportive.

  • Think of story ideas that will be sharable in social media

  • Be concise

  • Be conversational and accessible in your writing

  • Back up statements with research or facts if applicable (cite sources) - try to confirm facts by ensuring at least 2 different sources mentioning them.

  • Include expert quotes and insights -- you can reach out to a psychologist or expert about your story and offer a quote and link to their practice for the collaboration. Make sure their title/expertise is attributed in the article

  • Be thorough, don’t gloss over specifics

  • Give the reader empathy and hope

  • Put yourself in the reader’s shoes: ask yourself what they need out of reading your piece and then deliver that

  • Try to combine personal experiences with expert insight to strengthen your piece.

  • Consider including friends and family members of people impacted by your topic in your audience.

For more tips on reporting mental health conditions and choosing words carefully, read the American Psychiatric Association’s article here

Other Tips:

The following are general guidelines to help find facts, help link things with 7 Cups as well as outreaching tips for personal stories and expert insight:

  • Always try to hyperlink some of your main sources.

  • Use authentic reporting websites such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization, or American Psychological Association, etc. for facts and up-to-date statistics. (Can be hyperlinked as mentioned above)

  • Use Google Scholar to search for relevant research work. Abstracts usually summarize research findings.

  • When outlining your article, consider asking yourself which information and what type of information can be added as a priority. For example, an article about mental health during the pandemic would likely report authentic global statistics and could use published research information.

  • When reviewing other resources that cover your topic or something close to it, always ask yourself what can help enhance that available content. How can you ensure you are providing a unique take on the topic? Consider thinking about what is missing that could be worth mentioning.

  • 7 Cups has lots of free services, including available self-help guides, subcommunities with forums, and other areas - generally, editorial assistants at 7 Cups help backlink to these resources, but you are welcome to directly mention them if it applies, for instance, mentioning how Sharing Circles can help users cope with loneliness or the lack of support in their daily lives.

  • Outreaching for both personal or expert quotes can be done via social media, contact forms of blog posts, or even email considering which information is available. You are welcome to PM @SoulfullyAButterfly if you think a 7 Cups Expert can help provide you the quote or required insight.

  • When outreaching for personal stories, introduce yourself and 7 Cups and explain your article topic briefly, and why you think their personal experience could help. Share how you can back-link (link back) to the person’s blog or other resources if they would like that in return for sharing their quote. Ensure that you ask them if they would like their name to be disclosed, or if they would like a pseudonym. Finally, let them know you will share the final published version so they can also share it with their acquaintances.

  • When requiring an expert quote, use the same procedure discussed, but consider asking for the expert’s availability. Mention how the expert’s work can aid your write-up and any questions you have. Ask for the expert’s professional practice page link and if they are interested, mention how they can have a published expert profile at 7 Cups (you can CC if needed).

Things To Avoid:

  • The overuse of cliches or corny language

  • Making it overly formal or using references most wouldn’t understand

  • Using extraneous words/phrases. For example, you don’t have to write, “it’s important to…” If you’re writing it, the reader will assume it’s important. Unless, of course, it really is a surprise that this piece of advice is important - in which case say that

  • Forgetting to explain the “why”

  • Repeating the same word or phrase often (unless intentional, i.e. in an article about a mantra you might repeat the mantra several times)

  • Overusing exclamation points


Using the information you just learned, write a paragraph (minimum of 100 words) for the article topic “Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic” - as this is only a paragraph and NOT the complete article, state a brief heading which will inform the reader whether your paragraph is about a general introduction or something more specific. Ensure your paragraph contains facts. Please note that you are to mention your sources too, as well as a link to at least one source within the paragraph.

Bonus: Consider using previous discussions to research and use keywords.

Additionally, reply to at least one other student and highlight the strengths of their work as well as areas for improvement.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

MizuKagami April 29th, 2021

Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Covid-19 and the disruption of student life

When the pandemic struck we had to find new ways of functioning in all spheres of our lives. And whilst health was, and still is the biggest concern for many, we sometimes forget how this worldwide crisis affected our education systems.

This is especially true for foreign students studying abroad, or those who had plans to do so. It’s difficult enough not being able to visit family and friends, but now school curriculums and teaching methods are changing on a day-to-day basis.

If you’ve read this far, I hope you will do something good for your well-being today. And when you’re done with that, check up on your children. Remember – their futures are at stake.

Resource: the-impact-of-covid-19-on-education-insights

VerseArt May 9th, 2021

Hello @MizuKagami

Beautifully put. As a student myself, I really appreciate the theme of your article. It is very well-written. I wish it were longer as I wanted to read more. Thanks for sharing the resource, it's a good read!

unassumingFarm3602 May 16th, 2021


I absolutely loved it! Very well-written, and as a student, I have experienced all that has been mentioned in the post first hand. Would love to see this turned into a full-fledged article!

unassumingFarm3602 May 16th, 2021

The one suggestion I would give is to maybe begin with a quote, it makes the starting few lines more impactful for the reader.

VerseArt May 9th, 2021

Hello @SoulfullyAButterfly

Write a paragraph for the article topic “Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Loneliness and Boredom: A devastating combination

It so rarely happens that the entire world is in the same situation. On some level, it is humbling to know that we are not alone in this; we are all in the same boat. But then we realize that each one of us has a different boat (home), and we are confined within its parameters. This restriction on freedom can cause various emotions and turmoil. Thus, we need to keep our eye on the prize and take care of our physical, emotional, and mental health to the best of our abilities.

There is a fine line between 'being alone' and 'being lonely'. This line gets blurred when we get compelled to stay at our home for an extended, indefinite amount of time. Our routine is our equilibrium, keeping us stable, organized, and on the right track. For example, going to school/work, meeting with friends/coworkers/peers, and going out for the evening or dinner. A routine like this is the reason we do not get monotonous. And when this routine is disturbed suddenly, it becomes frightening.

Therefore, we need to be aware of some coping mechanisms so we do not have the devastating combination of being lonely and bored at our hands. These include staying in touch with friends, cultivating an indoor hobby, volunteering on online platforms, etc. Anything which provides a medium to interact with the real world virtually will do.


wagwanianPA May 11th, 2021

Good use of the reference, but do keep in mind that the requirement is to write one paragraph!

wagwanianPA May 11th, 2021

Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and pioneer of mindfulness education in the West, says that our emotions are like little soap bubbles. We can allow them to gather around and surround and overwhelm us; we can flail about wildly, creating even more bubbles that make us more frustrated. Or we can stop, drop into the present moment, and notice of the present emotion that we're feeling. We can choose to respond to our emotions, rather than to instinctively react to them. Gently touching the bubble with our fingertips, it vanishes, and we're able to move on almost immediately.

LovetoGod May 22nd, 2021


You have written so well. I really like that how emotions are compared with soap bubbles ❤

But I guess you should focus on the tips that has given how to write properly like you can add heading and subheading moreover some links too 😃

Lugi123 May 15th, 2021

The benefits of online support groups

While meeting up in person might be a huge no-no during the pandemic, that doesn't mean that you cannot connect with others in a different way. This is the perfect opportunity to harness one of the biggest benefits of technology, namely connecting with others no matter the distance. Studies show that being part of a social support system can be good for your overall mental health. It's helpful to have a few people you trust and that can help you manage everyday challenges, make difficult decisions, or deal with a crisis situation. Online support groups bring people from all over the world together, people who are going through or have gone through similar experiences, who can share personal experiences and feelings, coping strategies, or first-hand information on living with certain conditions.


DaisyDaph May 23rd, 2021


Hello! 😊

- I like how you mentioned ways to cope with Loneliness right away!

- You mentioned a wide range of coping techniques and also talked about why they would be helpful, which is good!

- I like how empathetic you sounded with your words, and you also showed positivity through them!

Tips: I would recommend the use of more keywords and relevant words pertaining to the article and mental health 🙂

caffeinatedcatio June 21st, 2021

@Lugi123 Hello!
I really like the way you got straight to the point in discussing the various coping mechanisms, and that you've suggested quite a few. Keywords have also been used generously :)
One thing I think this paragraph could use is stating/linking specific studies wherever they're mentioned (like when you say studies show that being part of a social support system...) But good work overall!

Happy900 June 21st, 2021

@Lugi123 I enjoyed reading your post. It was well thought out. Nice Job.

unassumingFarm3602 May 16th, 2021


Based on what I understood by reading the activity, I have written the task exactly the way I would have written the introductory part of a full-fledged article, so it doesn't have a proper conclusion, it just talks about the things that WILL be included in the parts to follow.

So here goes:

“Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic”

COVID-19, Isolation, Loneliness and the Elderly: An LGBTQ+ perspective

"The pandemic has been a great equaliser", they say. Is it really though? The LGBTQ+ people would disagree; a ravaging illness, alienation, isolation, loneliness, and the LGBTQ+ community: unfortunately, this is the not-so-perfect combination for a tragic story that the LGBTQ+ community has already been at the centre of: first, the AIDS epidemic and now, the COVID-19 pandemic.

While loneliness is unfortunately not novel for LGBTQ+ people (there have been various widely read and acclaimed articles and studies to back up the same), there is a "minority within a minority" where loneliness was a pandemic far before COVID-19 stepped in: the elderly within the LGBTQ+community. Even before the pandemic, an AARP survey found that of the people surveyed, close to 50% LGBTQ+ people over the age of 45 felt lonely. One can only imagine, then, what the situation must be like now. To the person reading this article who fits into this demographic: you are loved, you are valued, and most importantly, there is support available to help you through these times to help you emerge stronger and victorious. Sit back, breathe deep, smile and read ahead for just the tips you need to pull through.

LovetoGod May 22nd, 2021


Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

How to beat loneliness by changing our lifestyles

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has made it harder to be with others. Contact with family and friends continues to be limited, and social and leisure activities are restricted, which can cause feelings of loneliness – particularly if you are staying at home.It's really important to remember that these changes will not be forever. So if you are feeling lonely, the following tips can help you❤

1. Keep to a Schedule-: Being at home, we should try to keep to a schedule ( daily routine) as much as we can. Sometimes, we feel lazy and low which makes us to not follow our daily schedule. But stick to the normal routine helps us in feeling less lonely. We should try to do our work as we do and we can add some new things too.

2. Stay Active-: Physical activity is really important for our physical health but as well as for good mental health too. We should try to be active and fit. We can practice many activities for that like doing yoyoga meditation and walking near your house. It makes the person feel better and active in this hard times too.

3. Do something meaningful-: There are lots of meaningful things to do which is easy to make us not feeling lonely or bored. All of us want to feel like we belong and that our life has importance, which is why incorporating meaningful activities into each day is important. Doing something meaningful each day, even if only for a short period, will give you a sense of purpose and identity. Different people has different interests and choices. Here are some meaningful things we can do according to our interests-:

1. Reading books

2. Try to learn something ( starting online courses)

3. Write diary of your life and about your personality

4. Try new things ( playing instruments, art and craft work, knitting, cooking, making jewellery)

5. Focus on writing ( poetry, stories and projects)

6. Try to decorate your house and try to change it.

4. Explore ways to spend time together with your family and friends-: There are lots of ways to reach out to family and friends without having to meet in person. Chatting on the phone, video calling, and using social media can remind you that you are not alone. We can try to connect with our family and friends by making groups for fun and activities like sharing experiences and remembering good memories. Nowadays, we can join online clubs and we can invite our family and friends too.

5. Self Love and Self compassion-: It can be hard to accept feelings in this pandemic. There are many people who are going through a lot in different ways. But, we should try to use this advantage by finding ourselves, by understanding ourselves and by loving and caring about ourselves. We should do the things which we love to do and which gives us happiness. Try to create something like which depicts your personality and feelings. Make a "future list" of all the things you want to do. Make a bucket list of things to do in your lifetime. If you're finding it hard to express what you are feeling, channeling your feelings into creating something can be cathartic. In addition, when you create something you enter the "creative magic zone," which can be a form of meditation in itself.

6. Volunteer to help others-: Another way to stay busy is by helping others, which can also boost your mental wellbeing. You can volunteer during the COVID-19 outbreak from home or in your community, but follow the government guidelines if you are going out. We should try to help others by being helpful and compassionate person.

The link for the source of information is provided below. You can read in detail from there-:

#Stay safe stay positive


DaisyDaph May 23rd, 2021

Coping with Loneliness during the Pandemic

Loneliness is an feeling many individuals experience. Around 49% to 70% individuals reported feeling isolated, during the Pandemic (PLOS, 2020). Loneliness and Social isolation could affect one's mental health, as it can lead to them feeling detached or disconnected from others. Social isolation can bring about feelings of uselessness, anxiety and depression. Coping with Loneliness can be challenging. Here are some ways in coping with Loneliness.

- There are many of us who go through moments of feeling misunderstood; but reaching out to talk about it on social media platforms, especially among mental health communities, could help with feeling less lonely. It could help them open up and connect with others. Therefore, taking that first step to reach out to others for support can be helpful.

- Taking part in family gatherings within your homes, or online group activities could help reduce the amount of time spent by ourselves.

- Expressing how one feels through creative forms of art such as Music, Poetry, Visual Arts can help in coping with Loneliness.

-Taking the initiative to ask others how they are doing, as well finding a way to relate with them could help in coping with feelings of loneliness.


BlueTurtle5 June 14th, 2021


Good use of facts and multiple sources to provide useful tips. A couple small grammar things would improve your paragraph: There’s a typo in your first sentence. “an feeling” should be “a feeling”. “Here are some ways in coping with loneliness” would flow better as “Here are some ways to cope with loneliness”.

DaisyDaph June 22nd, 2021


Thank you for letting me know about the typo and your valuable feedback! I'll take note of it :)

Happy900 June 21st, 2021

@DaisyDaph Nice job. I liked the way you have everything organized.

blindHeart12 June 4th, 2021


Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The increase in the number of Screen time in Kids

Covid had not only affected the adult but it had impacted a lot to school-going kids. Recent article brought to notice that kids are diagnosed with a various symptom like #speech regression, #virtual autism, #anxiety, loss of sleep, restless also. It is due to the rise in no. screen hour the kids are exposed to.

Before #covid, the kids used to go daily to school and meet teacher's and friends have interaction. Were involved in more physical games rather than playing on #gadgets or watching TV. The screen hour was not more than 2 to 4 hours but now it is rise to 8 to 10 hours as Parent have their responsibility to do i.e. work from home and routine work which make limitation to spend much time with kids. Left with not much option like before, they used to asked kids to go playground or take them together for shopping or walk or visit friend house or extra curriculum activities.

So that leads kids to keep occupied themselves in screen time for playing alone or with friends, so feel entertained and connected, or spend time watching favorite cartoon series.

Even the statistics shared on clearly state the rise in no. of online users playing games.

“Digital game distributors, such as Steam report a considerable increase in the number of daily users over the past weeks: from 19 million in early March to a record high of 23.5 million in early April.1

blindHeart12 June 4th, 2021

Please ignore the above post.

The increase in the number of Screen time in Kids had become a serious concern for parents.

While having a group call with my old chool friends. One of them shared how much stress she is facing regarding her kids being busy all time using gadgets. That lead to sharing of various idea how to reduce kids screen time as most of were moms. Below were the few suggestions shared by other moms. Hope it might help other parents who facing similar struggle.

-Making routine which parents and kids follow regular.

-Spending after work time with kids playing board games or include in doing small house work like watering plant etc.

-Encouraging kids to try online DIY project and support them.

-Weekend can plan for family competition which make kids occupied to prepare whole week.

-Regular practice talking to grandparents and friends.

-Parents itself first avoid gadgets if not needed. It like “Practice what you preach”

This discussion leads me curiosity to read more about the impact of Screen Time and I was shock to read after this article.

Many kids had been diagnosed with various symptom like speech regression, virtual autism ,anxiety, loss of sleep, restless also. In this situation nobody fault it is , as before covid the kids used to go school and meet teacher and friends have interaction. Were involved into more physical games rather than playing on gadgets or watching TV. The screen hour was not more than 2 to 4 hours but now it is rise to 8 to 10 hours as Parent have their own responsibility to do i.e. work from home and routine work which make limitation to spend much time with kids. So that lead kids to keep occupied themselves in screen time for playing alone or with friends so feel entertained and connected.

Can understand how stressful for the parents to keep themselves not to worry and keep themselves mentally strong to balance everything at home and work . If anytime you need help 7cups we have various sub-community related to #anxiety #depression #family #student support and many more. Also can connect with listener to vent or share your feeling.

Creamyyy June 10th, 2021


This is a great idea. Lessening screentime is important in the lockdown times and will be of interest to a wide audience, of all age groups.

You listed a set of things that could be done to cut the excessive gadget use. These were helpful and well-researched.

You mentioned the repercussions of gadget addiction in children and showed how this could increase stress for parents. Making a connection here to 7 cups was a smart writing move.

Tip: There are lots of spelling and grammar mistakes in the piece. I suggest reivising with a 'Spelling and Grammar' check on Google Docs or Microsoft Word.

Creamyyy June 10th, 2021


Embrace the Lockdown Positives

It is true that the coronavirus pandemic has left us in the isolation of our homes and for some who are more social than others, this is a harder adjustment. However, every cloud has a silver lining, and this pandemic is no different. There are plenty of new hobbies you can take up during this extra time at home for example learning how to sew, studying an online language course or learning how to paint. You can nurture your family relationships by collectively engaging in home activities like cooking and gardening. You can exercise at home with an aerobics workout or running on the spot. Exercise will lower the stress hormones like cortisol, as learnt from the American Psychological Association. We hope you will embrace these positives in your life and be the smiling faces of the resilient army against the coronavirus.

Saro007 June 12th, 2021


I love that you focus on the positive aspect of the pandemic Like spending more time with family, exercising at home, and taking up new hobbies. I also like that you included a high-quality source! You have a professional and optimistic tone in your writing. Keep up the good work! Maybe you could have highlighted some keywords, but other than that good job!

Saro007 June 12th, 2021


Keywords: Coronavirus outbreak, isolation, loneliness, social lives, connections, volunteer.

Coping strategies to combat Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The coronavirus outbreak has impacted our social lives. The contact with our relatives, families, and friends has been limited as well as our ability to participate in social events and activities. This isolation can cause feelings of loneliness where you miss the once close and daily connections you had to the people around you before the pandemic. According to Mental health foundation (2021), an online survey done 9 months into coronavirus instructions which focused on UK adults reported that one in four adults in the UK experienced loneliness in the two previous weeks. The mental health foundation puts a lot of emphasis on that we are not alone and that together we can help to prevent loneliness by caring for each other by checking in on those that are more isolated than ourselves or to volunteer to help others to combat feelings of loneliness.

Better health (2021) also encourages us to be more social and to check in more regularly on our social circle with the technology we have available to us such as messaging apps or zoom. They also highly recommend those struggling with feelings of loneliness to volunteer to help others and that we might even make new friends while volunteering reducing loneliness from both sides.


Better health (2021) What you can do if you feel lonely during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak (Last reviewed 2021-06-12)

Mental health foundation (2021) Loneliness during coronavirus (Last reviewed 2021-01-06)

SupportiveSpace8282 June 13th, 2021

Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

What Should We Do?

Maintaining connections with others has become more difficult in the midst of the pandemic. Extended lockdowns and social distancing measures that have been in place for the past year have led to many individuals feeling lonelier than ever. While it is important to stay safe and look after our physical health, it is crucial to also take care of our mental health as well. According to the NHS, exploring ways to spend time with others and being social through a virtual medium such as Zoom or WhatsApp can be useful for maintaining mental wellbeing. Additionally, staying busy and spending more quality time with ourselves by doing things we enjoy can be useful tactics to cope with feelings of loneliness.
AdventurousSpirit123 June 15th, 2021


Your piece is well written. It's friendly and empathetic. It is focused and has a good structure--explain the problem, introduce the solution. Nice emphasis on caring for our mental health. The NHS article is a good resource.

A couple of suggestions: Many Yanks have no idea what the NHS is. It's generally considered better to introduce an acronym by its proper name the first time it appears, National Health Service (NHS). You might consider expanding the size of your embedded link to include more of the text. If a person were skimming, it would be fairly easy to miss such a small link.

BlueTurtle5 June 14th, 2021

Advantages and disadvantages of having Chronic Illness in coping with loneliness during the pandemic

In many ways Covid-19 has been harder on people who already had chronic health conditions than the general population but in some ways it has been easier, as those with chronic conditions had a head start over most people in finding ways for themselves to deal with isolation and changes in one’s way of life that the pandemic has forced nearly everyone to deal with in one way or another. Increased stress levels and daily routines being thrown for a loop during the pandemic have made mental health awareness and self care more important than ever. Looking at examples of how chronic illness patients have dealt with the roller coaster ride of symptoms common in many chronic conditions can be a good starting point for finding ways to adapt to the “new normal” of the pandemic era. Instead of giving up on routines all together, it's important to stick as closely as possible to routines that work for you while adding flexible options into it. Several good points were made by Ash Fisher in an article she wrote for Healthline called “7 Ways I Adjusted to Chronic Illness and Got On with My Life” in which she describes actions one can take and questions one can ask themselves in the process such as “What could help you get up every day? What small act or ritual will help you feel more human?” Look at your routine you had before life had to drastically change and think about what alternative ways you could fulfil the needs the things in your old routine fulfilled. An example important to the topic of loneliness is staying connected to social groups. If church plays a major role in your life, look into what ways your church is using tools such as Zoom to stay connected. If you participated in support or recovery groups such as AA or DBSA look online for virtual meetings with these organizations and what possibilities they are looking at to transition safely back into in person support in the near future. Group and 1:1 connections via text based chat are available on Other online communities and platforms such as MeetUp and EventBrite have shifted their focus from in-person gatherings to online opportunities with a large variety of topics including meetings hosted by organizations such as NAMI chapters, as well as exercise classes, virtual museum visits, game nights, dance parties and many, many, more.


AdventurousSpirit123 June 15th, 2021

Connecting with real humans…virtually

Early in the pandemic, I was unemployed, suffering from social isolation, and my mental health was declining. Thankfully, a friend told me about 7 Cups, a free service that pairs people who want to talk with trained listeners who provide support. I volunteered mostly for the opportunity to connect with other people. I loved talking with people from all over the world about a variety of things. But soon the conversations increasingly began with “I feel lonely” or “I feel so alone.” I spent a lot of time brainstorming with people about how they could meet their need for connection. The only realistic options were online. Fortunately, organizations like National Alliance on Mental Illness stepped into the gap, publishing useful, creative ideas for staying connected in a distanced and disconnected world. A Zoom call may never feel as good as a hug. But they helped many of us survive, even thrive during difficult times.

Note: The highlighted words are popular keywords for "loneliness" as identified by

giggleBubbles6722 June 17th, 2021

Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Are we okay?
When days are dark, friends are few… But what happens when we’re all in darkness? During these dark times, no one has the luxury of asking anyone if they are okay. This pandemic is mentally, physically, and spiritually draining for everyone. What we need to realize is that we’re not okay, together. We need to find comfort that we all hope that everyone else is okay and rely on faith for a better tomorrow. We need to accept that it's okay not to be okay and that brings us closer together. WE ARE NOT ALONE.
Inspiration source:

sereneMango3007 June 21st, 2021


The Impact of the Pandemic

For those of us struggling with mental disorders, the pandemic’s impact can be felt on a much deeper level. With this overwhelming sense of chaos and increased isolation, it’s difficult to adapt to this new situation. It’s easy to be consumed by the dire news of loss due to COVID-19, but also the wave of change it brought with it such as hate, violence, and pseudoscience. In these difficult times, the need to lean on others for support and create a community of empathy is made obvious. It’s hard to create a routine of self-care but we can slowly take small steps towards taking care of ourselves first.

(Here is the source I pulled from:

Izzy274 June 23rd, 2021


Hi Mango :)
I really love how you wrote this, It's so cool how you included the other impacts that COVID can have on people, other than the more obvious ones, and talking about hate, violence and pseudoscience really took a new angle at the question.

It was also so cool how you gave ideas for combatting loneliness due to covid - speaking about empathy and self care, and the way you talked about creating a supportive community was really empathetic and also links well to 7 Cups :)

Ideas for improvement:
Just a really small thing, but maybe you could link in a few resources? For example and article about the hate and violence caused by COVID, or a self help thread that is relevant :)

Overall this was super amazing though and I love the way you wrote it heart

caffeinatedcatio June 21st, 2021


People are getting back into the habit of reading during this pandemic: here’s why you should too

Dealing with loneliness during this long, long period of self-isolation has led to people using different strategies as coping mechanisms. A survey conducted in the UK revealed that people have spent almost double the amount they normally do on reading books since the COVID-19 lockdown began, especially with genres like crime and thrillers.
All around us is uncertainty – with travel plans cancelled, families separated, we aren’t sure when things will get better. One thing is for sure, though: books are a constant, something that you can turn to if you want to escape reality for even a bit, something that gives you the same feeling as travelling and adventure without the numerous risks that come with it. Crime and thrillers, specifically, also represent the values that we think we might have lost in these troubling times: the triumph of good over evil, the solving of a mystery that seems unhopeful at best. This surge in readership does not, therefore, come as a surprise.
Renowned crime fiction writers – like Louise Doughty and Peter May – have commented on the same in an article published in The Guardian, saying that people returning to reading in search of the familiar to cope in this unfamiliar environment is a universal experience in this pandemic.
So, huddle up with your favourite book and get to reading – maybe your next adventure is waiting there.


Izzy274 June 23rd, 2021

Coping with Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

An introduction to Loneliness during COVID-19

COVID-19 has affected almost everyone’s lives, and for many among us, having to stick to strict self-isolation and quarantine rules for extended amounts of time has been difficult. Many people have been left feeling lonely, and without their usual support systems reachable, the prevalence of mental health conditions has rapidly increased.

Without being able to meet up with friends and family, or visit social places, it can make your world feel very small and alone, which is never nice to experience, particularly if you feel refined to your own home. It is natural, and okay to be struggling with this isolation – change is difficult, and having these negative feelings about not being able to do the things you enjoy is normal.

Whilst this period of isolation will not last forever, in the meantime it can be hard to feel estranged from your surroundings. In this article, we will talk through some of the main causes of loneliness, as well as some of the options you have to help combat this, and the personal stories of people who have themselves experienced loneliness during lockdown. However, different things work for different people, and it may take time for you to start feeling less lonely.

Here is a link to some ideas to get you started with tackling your loneliness, Coping with loneliness during COVID-19 - Every Mind Matters - NHS (

These ideas will be further explored below, with ideas as to how you can use them to help with your daily life.

COVID-19 has impacted so many lives, and loneliness is becoming a big issue for many people. Here on 7-Cups, we hope you find a supportive and welcoming community – you can reach out to a listener here:

or find a self-help guide to get you started here: Self Help Guides | 7 Cups

(Source used: Coping with loneliness during COVID-19 - Every Mind Matters - NHS (

Icecream2Day July 2nd, 2021


I like how you included different resources for people to inform themselves about loneliness. You also embeded 7 Cups very well into your text! :)

Izzy274 July 2nd, 2021

Thank you :))

Icecream2Day July 2nd, 2021


Activities against loneliness in Covid times

The year 2020 hasn‘t been easy for people around the globe due to worldwide lockdowns and restrictions in meeting other people. A lot of people experienced loneliness, especially young people or people who stay alone. Since the world still isn‘t out of the pandemic yet here are some ideas from Mental Health Foundation on how to cope with loneliness:

- stay in contact with your loved ones

- discover new hobbies

- try to continue old hobbies online

- exercise.

Through keeping ourselves busy we can prevent to feel too lonely, which in the end can help us to avoid mental issues such as depression or anxiety as well as stress.

(Note: In an article I would describe all the activities to cope with loneliness a little more, I just thought it would be too much for now)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 11th, 2021

I like your well thought of and well constructed paragraph , including some great pointers for activities that could help one in dealing with loneliness . Also your paragraph highlights the essence of the article nicely. Good job .
An area of improvement would be perhaps some more sources / citations.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 11th, 2021

Coping with loneliness during the pandemic

Self care practices amidst a pandemic

The pandemic has hit us all pretty hard and the effects are devastating to say the least. It is natural to feel lonely and isolated during this time but for a prolonged period of time these affect our health and impact our overall lifestyle negatively . It is all the more needed to indulge in self care and keep a safety kit ready for times when it becomes hard to cope. For what it's worth, we are all together in this , while some thing may work for one it might not work for another and that's okay, we have all the time to be patient with ourselves and figure out what works for us the best.

Self-care is the necessity to do things that are good for our physical, emotional or psychological well-being” . It helps us feel enriched and nourished . Self care could be anything from painting your nails , journaling , traveling to your favorite spot to setting boundaries with someone who doesn't align well with your emotional health , putting off tasks till you're feeling ready for them and possibly anything that is capable of making you feel lighter and better emotionally , mentally or physically.
We will be further discussing some self care practices and how can we incorporate them to help us alleviate our loneliness and aid us in better managing our emotions amidst the pandemic .

kindLemonade July 12th, 2021


I love the warmth you showed through the writing, Sun. Also there's a right amount of link/ references. Overall, it was an enoyable read! I'm glad that you could break that block !

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 12th, 2021

Aww thankyouuu @kindLemonade , after the block hearing your appreciation just made my day , thanks so much , I am glad it was an enjoyable read for you .😊❤