10) Article Outlining
This discussion aims to present some tips for the article outlining process - it is a general discussion and you are not limited to using these techniques but are welcome to share your personal experiences and suggestions in the forum replies!
- Brainstorm the need for your content piece - establish your idea and consider what the content needs to contain by asking yourself the purpose of the content piece and what your audience would like to know through your work.
- Moreover, consider auditing existing content to find opportunities for interconnected content as well as to find ideas for further enhancing your content collection.
- For example, you can browse through the current Expert articles available at 7 Cups and consider what related or supporting content works can be developed.
Developing a Concrete Idea
- After brainstorming the need for your content work, develop a concrete idea to support your proposed title. A concrete idea is simply what purpose you intend to fulfill through your content.
- In other words, be clear about what you would like to include within your content article.
Listing Main Points
- Consider listing the main points of what you would like to include in your content article: you can consider starting with major subheadings and their supporting points, or just a general list of points you would like to include and research.
Descriptions of Main Points
- After forming the list of main points, consider adding small details or descriptions about what that point should contain or answer - these descriptions can include pointers on what to research, questions, etc.
- After writing the list and descriptions, consider where you want to add expert quotes and what type of expert you can contact.
- Moreover, consider creating a brief list of existing content you can use and backlink to.
- You can edit your outline to include any new things that come up during your research for other points, but it is recommended to keep your content within your outline/concrete idea after creating it.
Need help with your outline? Consider using the Student Discussion Thread or emailing ayesha@7cups.com for support.
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These are great tips, I will definitely be implementing them in my article.
@SoulfullyAButterfly this is really helpful! Thank you so much!
These outlining techniques are helpful! I will use this as a guide for my article. One method I like to use when writing a paper is keeping track of my ideas and article structure in a notepad. It can either be on your phone or in a book. This technique helps me stay organized and makes it easier to construct my paper.
This takes me back to when I was learning to construct paragraphs in English writing. Yes, good points indeed.
Something that I like to do is just jot down ideas as I get them, but that is usually pretty messy, so I think that I will try this way out and see if it helps me feel more organized! Thanks for the tips!
@SoulfullyAButterfly Thanks for sharing! :D
Although I'm currently in D6, this will definitely help me!
I just worked my way up to D10, extremely grateful for the guidance and techniques you've provided for us! 🥰
I'm on this! Thank you for the guides and tips! <3 you guys are amazing!
It will be really helpful
@SoulfullyAButterfly I enjoy writing on my own too, especially about depression (self experience), anxiety, self care, awareness 🌸