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I Don't Know If I'll Make It Through This Month

User Profile: Shyness98
Shyness98 May 7th, 2024

For the past two years I've been working at an after school program as a paraprofessional. I have a very intimidating supervisor and I felt that I kept making mistakes and I was too scared to confront her outright with them. She's a perfectionist and from the get go I knew that I wouldn't be able to live up to her expectations. We are dealing with 108 kids and we have some of the most defiant sixth graders. We were under pressure to implement these online programs, keep the kids under control, make sure they're doing their homework, and pay attention to the walkie talkies when they are communicating with us. I guess overtime I just started to get overwhelmed with the job. There was so much going on and eventually I started burning out. I wasn't performing the job as well as my coworkers. Overtime my boss and her second in charge started casting me out from the group and treating me like crap when it was just me alone. They would intimidate me and I would be frozen in shock. I didn't know how to react when they would belittle me and throw passive aggressive remarks. I feel so weak and incompetent. People tell me to stick up for myself and I feel that I have but I truly feel that I'm dealing with two narcissists. Two people who will do anything to "win" even though I don't care to win. Thankfully by the grace of God I found a new job but I still have to finish up my contract with this toxic job. My last day working this job is June 6 and I have this month left. I'm praying, and hoping that I make through it. I'm still casted out and the women don't talk to me and are still passive aggressive. People say that I shouldn't let it get to me but this environment is so toxic. It's worse than highschool. I would rather go back to highschool twice over than to work this job. I just want to know that I'm not the only one that's going through this and that this boss doesn't define who I am and that there is an end to all this. I pray that I never have to see these women again. I hate them so much and I'm going to need therapy after this is all said and done. 

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 May 7th, 2024


i think anyone working has had a few jobs have come across a bad situation that some call toxic. I do not like labels either toxic as it IMO is overused  or making labels for those whom we disagree... it takes away from dealing with as adults.  

 Difficult interactions in work/ life  IMO are  a big growth opportunity to learn to deal with difficult people and keep your head up. I came through a very difficult workplace situation and it actually helped in my future jobs to stand up and be confident. 

Staying through and meeting your side of the contract shows your resilience.

It happens in various degrees in many workplaces... some simple and some more difficult.  The high school  comparison is a story of a sad fact so many adults are so immature.