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job interview while depressed

tidyrose September 11th

hi guys, i have a job interview tomorrow that I don't feel prepared for. I haven't been doing my best mentally for the last couple months. my self esteem is not doing too well and i don't know if i can confidently present myself in an interview. i feel of i gave the interview right know, they will be able to see my nervousness and my lack of confidence in my abilities. i really need a job so i want to do well. i just don't know of i can. does anyone have any advise for a situation like this?

toughTiger6481 September 11th


I seem to do better in interviews when down.... I hate interviews but having been through many i realize each is different ... No one approach works. 

Life happens and you will go through different phases ON the job as well depression to me visits when i am least expecting it. Far too many interviews that went by the classic example i did not get called back... the JOB i have now that i hope lasts until i am ready to move on or retire lol...... i came in was myself and was not the "classic practiced sell our self"  but the person who had job before did the "perfect"   interview but did a poor job and called in 2 days a week (yes every week ).... so this interviewer said i was authentic and they saw a perfect interview meant very little in the big picture. 

tidyrose OP September 11th

i hope that's the case for me too. i don't have much energy to put on a facade right now.