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Inflation Is Affecting Us All

Karrotcake42 August 10th, 2023

I wanted to have a conversation about inflation and how many of us are struggling especially since covid. No politics. How has the low income to spending been affecting you guys?

For me it makes me feel like the world is ending and throwing chaos all around us. It makes me believe less in our community and more on myself. I think it’s making me more paranoid and untrusting of others. We are forced to fend for ourselves and work 40 hours a week and live paycheck to paycheck. Our economy relies on workers but our workers are getting sick mentally and physically and struggling to get back up. It makes me sad to see. The homelessness shatters my heart. I want to help but I don’t even have anything. I’ve dedicated my current life to finishing school so I can make better money so I can finally help others. But I just found out that two parents working really decent (not anymore due to inflation) paying jobs is no longer enough to support their family. It scares me. I don’t have kids yet. I’m not sure where we are headed but will all this work and money I put into school go in vane? I think about money everyday over many other important things. I’m tired. And I’m a hard worker but is my work worth the pay? Idk.

People are beginning to strike though. Apparently it’s the 70’s over again right now. I don’t know enough history. All I can say is that you’re not the only one struggling and burnt out being worked to dirt and barely paid for it to be worth it.

justjack2001 August 10th, 2023


It's clear that inflation has been taking a toll on many people, especially since the pandemic. The rising costs and low income-to-spending ratio are causing stress and impacting the community's trust and well-being. Many are working hard but struggling to make ends meet, and the increasing homelessness is heartbreaking. It's understandable that you're concerned about your own future and the value of your efforts, given the current economic situation. It seems like people are expressing their frustration by considering strikes, similar to the situation in the 70s. You're not alone in feeling burnt out and underpaid. It's a challenging time for many.

Karrotcake42 OP August 10th, 2023

Thank you for reading this and taking your time to answer. I see you.♥️