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Feeling Overworked

User Profile: impartialWheel9079
impartialWheel9079 December 10th

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and overworked and I’m not sure how appropriated I really am. I love the way everyone tells me how great I’m doing but annoyed by all the work I have to do at the same time but I love the way it feels to be praised so I do the work and don’t complain, which makes them add more things to do to my checklist.

User Profile: healingsoul4892
healingsoul4892 December 10th


oh wow, thats such a tough spot to be in. That mix of feeling appreciatied and overworked sounds so exhausting. sending you lots of good thoughts and hoping you get a chance to get a well-deserved breathe a bit soon

User Profile: Michellesongbird
Michellesongbird 2 days ago

Well ! Its an overwhelming situation, you might be feeling like that because it's just not a feeling it's actually true you are being overworked. Look for positive ways to see this situation, and encourage others or inspire them on how to accomplish their work just like you so you don't end up doing their work.