Choosing the Right Career
How you find the path you want to pursue in your career? If you know any tips or tests, please share.
The best tip i can offer is you can change your mind.
very few people I have known are doing the career they think they want to do or plan for as a student.
There is a big difference in finding a way between those who seek comfort and those who strive to earn more. I never had reliable support to choose the first path. I took on any job that gave me money here and now. My only luck was that I received a state scholarship to attend local college. It's been 10 years since I graduated and I'm doing something completely different from what I studied. I moved to the IT sector and chose a remote way of working (since 2020). I'm studying crypto intensively because I see that it has a lot of demand. Thank God there are already convenient platforms to combine this with my regular finances. You can see an example here.If you look back, I always went where I could quickly learn something new and get more money. I think I did everything right. Tests? Coaches? I don't think this will really help. You are simply giving these a legal delay to real action. My advice is to seek through practical experience.