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Improving your work-life balance can make you a more effective leader at work (article)

User Profile: sunnyWriting4806
sunnyWriting4806 April 19th, 2023

“Managers who disconnected from their jobs at home felt more refreshed the next day, identified as effective leaders and helped their employees stay on target better than bosses who spent their off hours worrying about work. Less-experienced leaders were especially prone to becoming ineffective if they spent their time focusing on their jobs at home.

The upshot is that the key to effective leadership in the office might be a better work-life balance. Led by scientists from the University of Florida, the University of Arizona and Florida State University, the new study was published April 6 in the Journal of Applied Psychology.

"The simple message of this study is that if you want to be an effective leader at work, leave work at work," said Klodiana Lanaj, a professor in UF's Warrington College of Business who led the research. "This is particularly important for inexperienced leaders, as they seem to benefit the most from recovery experiences when at home. Leaders have challenging jobs as they juggle their own role responsibilities with the needs of their followers, and they need to recover from the demands of the leadership role."”

My Takeaways:

  • Studies show that managers who had the most effective leadership and performance at their work were those who were able to successfully disconnect from their work and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

  • Managers who were able to shut off work related tasks and duties reported feeling more refreshed and their results seemed to show them better being able to assist their employees in meeting goals and quotas.

  • Although this study focussed on managers, I believe a work-life balance is crucial for everyone else as well. Often muddling work throughout the day can lead to burnout and without proper breaks to disengage from your project work can easily become tiresome. In effect it can make you more inefficient and unproductive than you would if you took proper breaks to refresh yourself.

Full article is here!

#Work-LifeBalance #Career #Burnout

What are some ways we can maintain work-life boundaries?

User Profile: Mya000
Mya000 May 3rd, 2023


It's interesting to hear about this study on the relationship between work-life balance and effective leadership. It seems that managers who were able to disconnect from work and focus on other aspects of their lives had better outcomes in terms of performance and leadership. I definitely agree that a healthy work-life balance is important for everyone, not just managers, as it can help prevent burnout and increase productivity. Thanks for sharing this article!

1 reply
User Profile: sunnyWriting4806
sunnyWriting4806 OP May 4th, 2023


Yes keeping a good work-life balance can be beneficial for everyone! Thank you for reading :)

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