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May I know how or when did you find out you need to go and check up for these diagnosis?

Kindlettering November 5th, 2022

When me and my brother fight, he yelled at me angrily and told me I might got mild schizophrenia and he told me why do I kept on thinking & believing people are gonna do me harm. It’s just that lately I haven’t been able to trust people like I used to, and my family blames me for many things, and treat me like I am an embarrassment for the family.

I don’t wanna self-diagnose but I currently feel confused and I kept on asking myself the same question.

L1ly0ftheValley November 5th, 2022

@Kindlettering - I am no doctor, so I can't give any diagnoses, but I do know that one can have paranoia without having schizophrenia. Hopefully that gives you some sort of comfort. You could always get yourself checked out by a psychiatrist, of course. Good luck in whatever you decide. :)