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Spiritual experiences

User Profile: looneyto0n
looneyto0n April 21st, 2022

I've recently been diagnosed, as an adult, with bipolar. This chapter of my life began when I was going through a manic episode which, at the time, I considered to be a spiritual experience or awakening. This lasted days and eventually led me to the psychiatric ward where I voluntarily checked myself in and was diagnosed, then placed on antipsychotics.

I was making mental connections so quickly during this time and observing things so "clearly" that the only way for me to understand or describe what was happening to me was that God was trying to speak to me.

Is there anyone who can relate to mania or psychosis feeling like a spiritual or supernatural experience?

Any details about your journey would be helpful and supportive.

User Profile: VioletSpringGlade
VioletSpringGlade May 3rd, 2022

Hi @looneyto0n

I can't answer your question but hopefully this will bump your post up and someone else will see it. 🤗

I have experienced spiritual experiences similar to what you described but quite different also, as it was without psychosis or mania.

This is an interesting topic, and I hope you get some answers to help you understand your experience better.

In psychiatry spiritual experiences are often seen as abnormal, symptoms of mental illness, but there are Drs who have religious/spiritual faith also and spiritual experiences and that is usually accepted. I don't know where the line is drawn. I guess when it is affecting your normal life, as in your situation, we need help managing symptoms.

User Profile: Tabrisllilim22
Tabrisllilim22 May 5th, 2022

Yes when my lifestyle and meds don't go well together (insomnia, less eating, injuries, etc) i start to think that i cam see ghosts or my own "shadow" at one point I genuinely thought that I was a prophet of God. I can see how, considering how I was raised with religious values but it still felt terrifying to experience

User Profile: AuraBlueSky
AuraBlueSky May 13th, 2022

Hi @looneyto0n. I was diagonized with bipolar at first when i was 21, now at 26 they told me that i had ezquiso affective disorder. What for me made a big difference.

I totally can relate with you. When i had the first episode i was almost burned out, very stressed, not sleeping that much but with a lot of energy. I was very accelarated, i have maniac "tics", numbers and time synchronicity had a big role, rituals withouth knowning how to make it... it was like someone was doing it for me... but it was me.... i saw things, i felt that i was connecting to my higher self and i was moving my way to other dimensions. I totally felt God/Source in me, i saw it with my own eyes. So it's why I can relate when u said "that God was trying to speak to me."
I felt it too....

Now after 5 years, i cannot understand fully what happened and im still trying to find histories like yours to help me understand if what i felt was just in my head or that really happened.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Best Luck on your journey!

User Profile: PieceoftheUniverse
PieceoftheUniverse May 31st, 2022


Hey yes, I have had what they call psychosis and for me it's a knowing that my experiences where part of something supernatural

You might wanna look in to the film crazy wise and you can send me a message if you want some peer support around the issue psychosis or spiritual experience:)

User Profile: hdesmond93
hdesmond93 June 3rd, 2022

I’ve also had a spiritual experience that I’m now realizing was likely psychosis. I became obsessed with tarot cards and “angel numbers” because I was convinced they were all signs from the universe. I was documenting everything (taking pictures of cards, saving YouTube videos, journaling things as they happened) as proof to myself that I wasn’t crazy.

None of the documentation seems to actually exist though. All the journal entries I made and videos I saved aren’t actually there.

It was really upsetting for me when I realized what had actually happened because I’d been telling all of the people closest to me about everything I was seeing, and no one seemed the least bit concerned about it. I feel like because spirituality is so personal and hard to explain scientifically, we’re more likely to give these types of delusions a pass. It’s made me afraid to explore my spirituality at all because I don’t know how to tell the difference between the two.

User Profile: imaginativeStrings8686
imaginativeStrings8686 July 14th, 2022

Hi! I’ve been going through stuff I call spiritual awakenings. All my episodes were dealt with the divine and other realms. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. I can feel energies and believe to be connect to spirit. I have heard negative voices but once I started deep healing they went away and weren’t strong enough to consume me. These energies aren’t bad. It’s seems they just want to be heard. Sometimes I’ll get flashes of images when a spirit wants to talk to me. Or a topic they want me to focus on. Idk I’m still like… ya is this real… but it’s all coming from within and brain activity. Sometimes I hear too many energies and I just tell them, I’m human I have human things to do and they shut up. So i hope this helps. Feel free to message me!

User Profile: Redwood42
Redwood42 July 24th, 2022

Oh yea, story sounds familiar. I thought god told me friends were on their way to kill me. Told me to get in my truck immediately at 3 in the morning. And to put it in cruise control at 100 mph. Woke up in the hospital icu

User Profile: selfconfidentLunch3066
selfconfidentLunch3066 July 29th, 2022

I was diagnosed with major depression with psychosis. I had a meeting with God and the devil during my psychosis. I would always pass the meeting with God but thought people possessed me and others. I even went to a priest to get an exorcist prayer. The worst part is I would blurt out things when it got towards the end. I was hospitalized twice in one month.